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Staying Safe this Summer

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Staying Safe this Summer

Summer Safety Tips for the Whole Family

With the warmer weather upon us, that means an influx in outdoor summer activities and an opportunity for summer injuries. Follow these tips to keep your summer safe and fun!

Protecting Your Skin from the Sun

Sunburns are an inflammatory response that your skin has when it experiences prolonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Even on a cloudy day, you can get sunburned, as UV light can pass through clouds.

While sunburns are relatively harmless, repeated sunburns can lead to skin cancer. People who have moles or freckles, very fair skin, and hair, or a family history of skin cancer are at a greater risk.


Sunburn Signs & Symptoms

Did you know that sunburn can happen within 15 minutes of being in the sun, but its symptoms may not be noticed for a few hours? Sunburn symptoms typically appear between three to five hours after sun exposure. Mild symptoms include:

  • Itchiness or pain
  • skin redness
  • skin that feels hot to the touch

Sunburns can be severe in some cases. Severe symptoms include:

  • confusion, dizziness, headache
  • extreme pain and tingling or the sunburn forms blisters
  • fever and chills
  • nausea
  • swelling

If you or your child shows any of these symptoms, remove them from the sun immediately and seek emergency care.


Follow these tips to help protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays:

  • Minimize sun exposure between 10 am-4 pm, as this is when the sun's UV light is the strongest.
  • Stay under a sun umbrella or in a shady spot when possible when outdoors.
  • Apply sunscreen on all parts of your body, especially the parts that are not covered by clothing.
  • Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure, 30 minutes after exposure begins, and reapply every hour.
  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
  • Wear sunglasses with UV protection.

Preventing Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is a heat-related illness that happens when you're exposed to hot temperatures for a long period of time without taking in enough fluids. With heat exhaustion, your body's temperature rises too quickly, causing your body's temperature regulation to fail. If left untreated, this can turn into a heatstroke.

Heat Exhaustion Signs & Symptoms

Common symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

  • Cold, pale, clammy skin.
  • Sweating heavily.
  • Fast, weak heartbeat.
  • Nausea with or without vomiting.
  • Muscle cramping.
  • Dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Headaches.
  • Passing out.


Prevention of heat-related illness begins with good hydration prior to physical activity. You should not feel thirsty before or during physical activity. Also, be sure to wear light-colored lightweight clothing when exercising outdoors.


Small children and infants are particularly susceptible to developing heat exhaustion when in the car. Remember that the inside of a vehicle can quickly reach dangerous temperatures even if it is not particularly hot outside, so never leave the child alone in the car, even if you expect to return soon.

Staying Properly Hydrated

Dehydration is a condition that happens when too much fluid is lost at a given time. This means that you’re losing more water than you’re taking in, hindering your body’s ability to function properly. Although it is more common for people to experience dehydration during the warmer months, it can happen at any time of the year, especially in small children and babies. This is what you should know to help keep your little one properly hydrated.

Dehydration Signs & Symptoms

Although there are many universal symptoms that suggest someone may be dehydrated, certain warning signs are unique to children and babies. Here’s are some symptoms you should keep an eye out for to see if your little one may be dehydrated:

  • A dry or itchy mouth and tongue
  • Eyes that appear sunken
  • No tears when crying
  • Peeing less often
  • No wet diapers for 3 hours or more
  • Your baby’s soft spot on the top of their head appears sunken
  • They have dry skin
  • They seem more irritable
  • They are abnormally tired
  • They seem dizzy
  • A high fever


To effectively prevent dehydration, be sure to drink plenty of water, even if you are not thirsty. It is recommended that men drink at least 16 cups of water per day, and women consume about 11 cups of water each day.

When sweating heavily during activity, you lose essential minerals and salt from your body. In order to replenish them, reach for a sports drink to quench your thirst.

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  • Category: Simple Safety, Wellness