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Pros and Cons Of Using A Cold Therapy Machine

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Pros and Cons Of Using A Cold Therapy Machine

Cold therapy is a time-tested method for obtaining relief from pain, especially when you are injured, strain a muscle, or are recovering from surgery. This technique is part of the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) method for healing and is widely used across the world. One of the common ways to utilize cold therapy is with an ice pack held in place with an elastic bandage.

Advances in technology have made it easier to apply cold therapy when you need it. Cold therapy machines work by circulating water through an ice reservoir. The reservoir connects to a wrap that provides the element of compression, which may help reduce swelling. With a cold therapy unit, you get the combined benefits of therapeutic cold and targeted pressure to aid in your healing.

3 Benefits of Using a Cold Therapy Machine

Cold therapy machines may be recommended by physicians, athletic trainers and physical therapists alike for one of many reasons including:

More Efficient than Ice

The combination of compression and cold has been clinically proven to be more effective than ice therapy alone. Cold alleviates pain and reduces swelling by restricting blood flow to the area, and compression also reduces swelling and allows the therapeutic cold to penetrate deeper and last longer.

Convenience and Portability

Applying ice packs can be a hassle, especially for areas such as your knee or shoulder. It is also difficult to control the temperature of an ice pack, and the ice may melt quickly. With a cold therapy unit, you get consistent temperature throughout each session because cold water is circulated throughout the machine. These machines are also often portable, so they can be used at home.

Less Pain Medication

Cold therapy units decrease pain by numbing nerve endings in your body. This slows down communication between your body and your brain, resulting in less pain. Using a cold therapy machine may help you rely less on medication as you recover from surgery or an injury.

About Cold Therapy Units

Before investing in a cold therapy machine, there are a few factors to consider. Depending on your healthcare plan, a machine may not be covered by insurance. Luckily, the CCH Home Medical Resource department offers rental of the Game Ready cold compression system to help you get the benefits of integrated cold and compression therapy.

It is advised to speak with your doctor or healthcare professional before starting cold compression therapy and follow their recommendations for treatment. Because cold therapy machines stay colder for longer spans of time, it’s important to use them as directed.

Get Back to What Matters With Game Ready

If you're a patient or athlete who wants to get back to normal as soon as possible after an injury or surgery, the Game Ready® system may help speed up your recovery. Our cold therapy machines feature an advanced control unit and anatomically designed wraps that conform to your body for your comfort.

Download our Patient Cryotherapy Brochure for more information about the Game Ready® system and how it can help in your recovery.

If you’re recovering from an orthopedic surgery, or suffered a musculoskeletal injury, you can’t wait to get back to the activities you love as quickly as you can. That’s where a Game Ready® can help your body heal faster and recover better.

If you need a Game Ready in the Gillette, Wyoming area, Campbell County Health’s Home Medical Resources offers rentals.

Home Medical Resources' staff here at CCH is committed to helping people live better lives by offering the best medical technology, supplies and service. Home Medical Resources also provides pickup and delivery service for most medical equipment. We take the time to ensure that when your equipment arrives a staff member is available to assist with set-up, education and adjusting to the equipment. Contact us today at 307-688-6260.

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  • Category: Home Medical Resources