What will you do with 60 days?

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  • Written By: Rachel Conrad, PBT, CPT, MA
What will you do with 60 days?

I read something profound this past month. It was just a meme on Facebook, but it caught my eye as I was skimming along before bed. This silly little thought kept me awake that night and has set my brain spinning ever since. Because it has made me think so much, I feel it's important to share with you, too. So here goes:

There are only 60 days left in this year. Much greater than that, there are only 60 days left in this DECADE. What do you want to do with them?

As you let that thought sit and sink in, and drop into your soul... ponder this:

It's 60 chances. 60 chances to do so much, or so little—your choice. Where could the possibilities take you? What might you do?

Sixty days are filled up with 1,440 hours. How many of those hours will you spend at work, exercising, sleeping, eating, laughing or face first into your phone? 1,440 hours you won't be able to get back.

Sixty days is one day at a time to take care of yourself. To fuel your body with whole, nourishing food. It's day after day of opportunities to move and dance and sweat, or rest. It's 60 days to do something you won't regret.

Sixty days is two months to invest in. You could devote that time to a project, a commitment, yourself. A stranger. Your family, your faith, your friendships, your health. Sixty days is a beautiful gift—that you can share.

Sixty days can be enough time to completely change your life. Time enough to do something you've always wanted, time enough to be brave, time enough to make amends, time enough to make new friends. Sixty days is time to live, but definitely not time enough.

So, I encourage you to take these next 60 days in November and December and imagine where you could be by January 2020. The last of this year. The last of this decade.

I challenge you to do something with these 60 days that will be just as profound as the thought that 10 years—a decade—are coming to a close. Take these 60 days and make them worth remembering. Make these 60 opportunities, these 60 chances to make your next decade your best.


Rachel ConradRachel Conrad, PBT, CPT, MA, works at CCH Wellness as a Technician, Phlebotomist and Health Coach in Gillette, Wyoming. Campbell County Health's Wellness works to reduce health risks and promote overall wellness among employee groups and individuals in Campbell County, Wyoming and beyond. To learn more about Wellness, please visit www.cchwyo.org/Wellness or call 307.688.8051.

  • Category: Wellness