CCMH Inpatient Room

Replacement Project

CCMH inpatient room redesignIf you’ve stayed with Campbell County Memorial Hospital in Gillette, Wyoming for medical surgical, ICU or OB care, you likely know why this remodel is terribly needed. The current rooms were not built with the needs of today’s care practices in mind. They are small, awkward, and limited when it comes to accommodating equipment, providers and families. The new patient rooms will create a functionally effective work space and flow, and will serve us well for the next 40 to 50 years.

Financial projections show the project can be funded with existing cash and revenue, though other options are being discussed, such as bond financing. No final decisions have been made yet. The project will take at least 20 months to complete after construction starts, and the Board of Trustees must still decide if the project should be built in two years, or stretch out to four years.

The Problems

  • Current rooms are too small to accommodate modern equipment and family members who want to visit or spend the night
  • Bathrooms are too small and don't have a sink inside the bathroom
  • Maternal child rooms didn’t really work for how babies are delivered and cared for now—mom stays in the same room through her entire say
  • The location of supplies and nursing stations are inefficient and prevents nurses from spending more time at the bedside


July 9, 2019: New Maternal Child Unit by the Numbers

It's been close to a year since the construction began on the new Campbell County Memorial Hospital Maternal Child Unit, part of the Inpatient Room Replacement Project. We've put together some fun facts about the construction of the new unit, finances and even highlighted how many babies were born since CCMH opened at its current location in 1981 in Gillette, Wyoming! You can also view a map of the new unit. Check them out

July 8, 2019: Doctors tour new Maternal Child Unit at CCMH

Today, July 8, community doctors were given the opportunity to tour the newly redesigned Maternal Child patient rooms at Campbell County Memorial Hospital in Gillette, Wyoming. Read more

7/9 CCMH Open House: Maternal Child Patient Rooms

Tuesday, July 9, 2019
3-6 pm
Campbell County Memorial Hospital
501 S. Burma Avenue, Gillette, WY
4:30 Chamber of Commerce Ribbon cutting

Tour the new Maternal Child patient rooms that includes three exam, on minor procedure room and eight labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum rooms (called LDRPs) along with a c-section (operating room) a six-bed level II nursery and three dedicated postpartum rooms. This space also includes four flex rooms that can be used for maternal child or medical surgical patients.

June 19, 2019: Close to the finish line

Though still a work in progress, construction on the new Campbell County Memorial Hospital Maternal Child Unit is fast approaching the finish line. Located above the Main Lobby on the east end of CCMH, the unit will have three exam rooms, one minor procedure room and eight Labor/Delivery/Recovery/Postpartum rooms (called LDRPs). This is significant because CCMH has never had this type of room for moms and babies before, which are now common in many healthcare facilities. Moms currently deliver their babies in a labor room and then are moved to a postpartum room on a different wing. Read more

January 30, 2019: CCH Board approves seven additional rooms to CCMH Inpatient Room Replacement project

The Campbell County Health Board of Trustees approved a recommendation to add seven additional rooms to the Campbell County Memorial Hospital Inpatient Room Replacement Project on January 24. Read more

September 14, 2018: Employees test drive the new patient rooms

Campbell County Health employees, medical staff and members of the Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) got a chance this week to see the new rooms that will be constructed as part of the Inpatient Room Replacement project at Campbell County Memorial Hospital in Gillette, Wyoming. Read more

August 6, 2018: Paul Wolfe, CCH Nutrition Services, talks about the CCMH Inpatient Room Project

Paul Wolfe, food service supervisor at The Legacy Living and Rehabilitation Center, talks about how experienced employees helped design the new patient rooms, using ideas that made sense to them as they cared for patients, cleaned patient rooms or delivered meals. Read more

August 3, 2018: Jay Mahylis, Gillette Resident, talks about the CCMH Inpatient Room Project

Jay Mahylis is a member of the Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC), a volunteer group of Gillette, Wyoming community members who look at Campbell County Health from the patient’s point of view. Read more

August 1, 2018: Robert Quintana, CCMH Directory of Pharmacy, talks about the CCMH Inpatient Room Project

Robert Quintana, RPh, Pharmacy Director at Campbell County Memorial Hospital in Gillette, Wyoming, talks about how the new inpatient rooms were designed with the patient at the center. Read more

July 24, 2018: Construction begins on the CCMH inpatient room replacement project

Work started on Monday, July 23 on the inpatient room replacement project at Campbell County Memorial Hospital. Read more

July 17, 2018: Parents Shay and Lindsey Lundvall talk about the CCMH Inpatient Room Project

Parents Shay and Lindsey Lundvall are excited to see the changes coming with new patient rooms at Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) in Gillette, Wyoming, especially being able to be in the same room during the entire hospital stay. Space was tight for the family with the birth of their son, and Lindsey stayed in the hospital 10 days while he was in the Level II Intensive Care Nursery in the Maternal Child Department. Watch the video

July 17, 2018: Dr. Angela Biggs talks about the CCMH Inpatient Room Project

Dr. Angela Biggs, OB GYN physician at Summit OB GYN, talks about the nationwide trend to have new moms labor, deliver and recover in the same hospital room throughout their stay. The new Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) Maternal Child rooms have been designed with families in mind, with plenty of space for mom and baby care, and family involvement. The new facilities will match the high quality care provided by physicians and nursing staff in Gillette, Wyoming. Watch the video

July 16, 2018: Amy Ashbeck, RN, talks about the CCMH Inpatient Room Project

Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) Maternal Child registered nurse Amy Ashbeck talks about the process used in the design of the inpatient room replacement project, involving employees, doctors and community members. Hear how the team mapped out the workflow for caregivers, taking the best ideas from other healthcare facilities and asking the question, "Will that work here in Gillette, Wyoming?" The result: making the patient the priority. Watch the video

July 5, 2018: Inpatient room replacement project approved

The CCH Board of Trustees gave the go-ahead for the inpatient room redesign project by a 4-2 vote on June 28, 2018. The project will construct 33 new patient rooms in the space above the Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) Main Lobby for the Maternal Child, Medical/Surgical and Intensive Care Units in Gillette, Wyoming. Read more

June 18, 2018: CEO Update: Summer 2018

I’m pleased to report that construction of the mock patient rooms for the inpatient room project will soon be underway, with plans to have two rooms ready for testing sometime this fall. Read more

Sherry Bailey, RN, talks about the CCMH Inpatient Room Project

Campbell County Memorial Hospital Medical Surgical and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Director Sherry Bailey, RN, talks about the process used to design new patient rooms that will last 30-40 years into the future, involving the people who do the work of caring for patients every day. Hear how the team looked at the smallest details from the patient’s point of view, right down to where to charge their cell phone. The result-nurses can spend more time at the bedside. Watch the video

November 2017 Chamber Mixer

Come see how we are reinventing our patient care rooms at the Campbell County Chamber of Commerce Mixer in November 2017.

July 14, 2017: Have you heard about the CCMH Inpatient Room Project?

In the last 37 years, what has changed about you? Have you updated what kind of vehicle you drive? Did you do any construction to your home to make it better suit your family’s needs? Have you updated what clothing you wear or how you style your hair? Campbell County Memorial Hospital was built in 1980 as a state of the art healthcare facility. However, in the last 37 years, the footprint of the inpatient Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Maternal Child and Medical/Surgical Units have stayed the same. The proposed remodel of our patient care rooms would address this issue. Read more

June 19, 2017: CCMH inpatient room redesign details

Check out some more details on the proposed Campbell County Memorial Hospital inpatient room redesign with renderings of what the rooms will look like. Read more

June 9, 2017: Helping Patients Heal

Sherry Bailey is the Director of the ICU and one of the 30-plus team members that have been involved in the design of the new patient rooms. A nurse for 25 years, her focus is on the health and safety of both the patient and the nurses she supervises. Read more

June 9, 2017: Caring into the Future

Next spring construction will begin on a $28 million project to completely replace every inpatient room in Campbell County Memorial Hospital. With the help of experts from HGA Architects and Engineers, the project has been in the works for over 1.5 years. Read more

May 30, 2017: CEO Update Summer 2017

Another aspect of delivering high quality care is creating an efficient, well-designed facility that supports the safety, wellness and healing process of our patients. To that end, we will soon begin a thorough remodel of our patient care rooms. Read more