340B Prescription Drug Program

The 340B prescription drug program is a vital lifeline for safety-net providers, supporting critical health services in our communities.

The program is narrowly tailored to reach only hospitals that provide a high level of services to low-income individuals or that serve isolated rural communities. Significantly more 340B hospitals provide money-losing vital health services than non-340B hospitals, which include trauma centers, labor and delivery services, HIV-AIDS services and immunizations.

    340B savings will support essential health services in our community including dialysis, ambulance services, behavioral health, cancer care, hospice and long-term care as well as supplement the property and industry tax shortage that assist in paying for uncompensated care and bad debt. Uncompensated care is the difference between the cost of providing care and what is reimbursed by health insurance and Medicare and Medicaid. Charity care is extended to patients who cannot pay their healthcare bills. Bad debt occurs when patients choose not to pay their healthcare bills.

    Through the 340B program, Campbell County Health (CCH) is partnering with local retail pharmacies in Campbell County, Wyoming to continue the savings at the retail level. Partners include Osco/Albertson’s, Wal-Mart and Medical Hills Pharmacy.

    CCH by the numbers - FY20

    • 2,497 annual discharges
    • 159,694 outpatient visits annually
    • $13.2 million received in property and industry taxes
    • $3.5 million in projected annual savings with the 340B program
    • $10.6 million spent on medications in FY ending June 30, 2020
    • $25.9 million in uncompensated care and bad debt for FY ending June 30, 2020

    About CCH

    Campbell County Health includes Campbell County Memorial Hospital, a 90-bed acute care, area trauma community hospital; nearly 20 clinics; inpatient and outpatient Behavioral Health, hospice, home health, cancer care, dialysis, heart cath lab, The Legacy Living & Rehabilitation Center and the Powder River Surgery Center. With the nearest facility of our size being over 100 miles away, our nearly 80 physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners and about 1,100 employees in over 20 specialties are committed to caring for the residents who live in the Northeastern corner of Wyoming and the surrounding communities.

    Volume of major payment sources for FY ending June 30, 2019

    • 32% - Blue Cross Blue Shield
    • 20% - Medicare
    • 18% - Other Commercial Insurance Providers
    • 10% - Self Pay
    • 9% - Medicaid
    • 7% - Tax Levy
    • 2% - Worker's Compensation
    • 2% - Other Government
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