Advisory Boards

Campbell County Health connects with our community to improve the quality of care we provide to our patients.

Advisory board members are volunteers with Campbell County Health.

Hospice Advisory Board

Details to come

Legacy Advisory Board

The Legacy Advisory Board, (formerly Pioneer Manor Advisory Board), provides services, materials and equipment to enhance the lives of residents of The Legacy Living and Rehabilitation Center through donations, memorials and fundraising.

Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC)

CCH recognizes that our patients, their families, and our community are the experts in the evaluation of the patient experience. The Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC)is an avenue for CCH to receive and respond to input from community members with a goal to impact and improve patient experience.

The PFAC meets on the third Friday of each month from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Since its inception in 2014, the PFAC members have participated in many projects including:

  • Customer Service “secret shopping”
  • Assisting the Falls Team in identifying ways to reduce patient falls in the hospital
  • Reviewing patient teaching information on multiple health conditions
  • Participating on the CCH Ethics Committee
  • Assisting with the design of new construction

We are committed to involving patients and their families as advisors in shaping health care in our community. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 307-688-1530.

You can download an application at the adult volunteer section.

Wright Advisory Board

The Wright Advisory Board meets quarterly and acts as a liaison between the Wright community and Campbell County Health, which operates the Wright Clinic, a member of Campbell County Medical Group. Meetings are held from 12-1:30 p, at the Wright City Hall.

Wright Clinic and Occupational Health provides primary medical care for the whole family and occupational health services. You can contact the WAB at

Committee members as of September 6, 2019 include:

  • Karl Bertagnole
  • Janeen Bissey
  • Denny Bohne
  • Ronda Boller
  • Dennis Borgialli
  • Brandi Harlow
  • Tim McCreary
  • William Stevens
  • Paula Strohschein
  • Penny Twomey
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