The Early Childhood Center uses Creative, an online curriculum-based system for ages birth to five that integrates ongoing assessment of children's development with reporting, program planning, and parent communication tools. Children's progress is assessed at (3) three checkpoints each year.
The program manager has a CDA in both the infant/toddler and preschool setting and is certified to provide staff training to meet requirements and the National CDA program. Each staff member has or will receive The Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program if they choose.
The Early Childhood Center has adopted a modified block schedule. Parents are responsible for paying for the entire shift(s) that their child/children are scheduled that week. Rates are available upon request. Staff can find rates in Policy Manager under Daycare Charges.
Wyoming Department of Family Services:
Wyoming Quality Counts:
Find the Early Childhood Center at:
Location: 402 Stocktrail Avenue, Gillette, Wyoming
Phone: 307-688-6300
Director: Nicole Schrock