Classes are not being offered at this time.

Parenting Classes

Becoming a Love and Logic Parent®

A six-week program designed by Love and Logic®

Get answers to these questions:

  • How do I get them out of bed in time to catch the school bus?
  • How can I stop my children from bickering and fighting?
  • How do I get my children to help with the chores without an argument?
  • Is there a way to discipline my toddler in public without creating a scene?
  • How can I get my teenage daughter to come home at the agreed-upon time?
  • How do I get him to stop spitting his peas and whining at dinner?

And many other day-to-day challenges. This parent program is designed to give you practical skills that can be used immediately.

Program Details

  • Classes are not being offered at this time.

Facilitators of the Becoming a Love and Logic Parent® are independent and are not employees of the Love and Logic Institute.