Emergency Medical Services

Dial 911 in an emergency!

A very visible part of our organization, Campbell County Health Emergency Medical Services' cares for the sick and injured in Northeastern Wyoming (and beyond) through prevention, response, intervention, and transport to a medical facility. Every day, our EMS crews are called upon to help others through one of what may be the most frightening times of their lives.

The EMS department at CCH is a group of professionals who are staffed in Gillette and Wright, Wyoming. From May 2017-April 2018, EMS responded to more than 3,458 dispatches. Last year, our EMS staff helped with 191 chest pain and heart related problems, 28 cardiac arrests (with three lives saved), six STEMI’s, 39 strokes and 65 traumas. Learn more

AED Notification

Emergency Medical Services keeps a list of the Automated External Defibrillators (AED) located in Campbell County, Wyoming. Wyoming law requires all persons or agencies (facilities, businesses or organizations) that acquire an AED to notify their local EMS office, and emergency communications centers. Learn more

Becoming an EMT

Interested in becoming an EMT? Learn more here​

EMS at Events

EMS also provides standby services for special events such as sporting events for an hourly fee. Charges are based on the level of service provided such as critical care transport, advanced life support (emergency or non-emergency), or basic life support (emergency or non-emergency), and with mileage. Call 307-688-1161 for more information.

EMS Staff

The public can be assured that the crews responding on ambulances have passed rigorous training standards to become licensed and complete 100’s of hours of additional training each year to ensure they are providing up-to-date competent emergency medical care.

Becoming an EMT requires completion of a 150-hour long course that includes classroom time, ambulance ride time, clinical time in an emergency department and successful completion of a written test and skills verification. To become a paramedic our staff must first be a licensed EMT for a minimum of one year. Then, they must complete a 1,800-hour long course that includes classroom time, clinical rotations in an emergency department, ICU, cardiac cath lab, surgery unit, and behavior health unit. They also have to successfully pass a written test, skill verifications, and oral cardiology scenarios.

Once staff is licensed, they have to recertify their license every two years, which requires approximately 100 hours of continuing education each year. In additional to taking care of approximately 3,500 patient each year, our staff attend monthly EMS training, regularly train while on duty, attend classes on various topics offered through the hospital, and attend our three-day EMS University each year. All staff is also required to maintain Healthcare Provider level CPR and EMT-Intermediates and Paramedics must maintain certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support.

CCH EMS staff consists of:

  • EMT-Paramedics (> 1800 hour education programs - none available locally)
  • EMT-Intermediates (32-240 hours beyond EMT-Basic, a modular format)
  • EMT- Basic Attendants (160 hour - local class offerings)
  • EMT-Paramedic/RN
  • EMT/RN
  • EMT/Pharmacist
  • Nurse (RN)
  • National Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Technicians with Safe Kids Campbell County

Learn more about becoming an EMT

EMS University

EMS University provides an opportunity for emergency medical professionals to learn and discuss relevant patient care and management issues. Register for, or learn more about EMS University

Life at EMS

Emergency Medical Services professionals (EMTs and Paramedics), are always on the go, but what does a typical day in the life of one look like? Read more

Safe Kids Campbell County

Safe Kids Campbell County provides our community with free car seat checks by appointment, safety seat events, bike rodeos and much more to help educate our children. Learn more


How you were cared for is very important to Campbell County Health Emergency Medical Services. Please consider taking a nine question confidential survey to let us know how we are doing. Click here

Contact EMS

Find CCH Emergency Medical Services at:

  • EMS Gillette Base: 502 Stocktrail Avenue, Gillette, Wyoming 82716
  • Newcastle Ambulance Services: 7 W Wentworth Street, Newcastle, Wyoming 82701
  • EMS Wright Base: 515 Latigo Drive, Wright, Wyoming 82732
  • Gillette Base Phone: 307-688-1161
  • Newcastle Base Phone: 307-746-2800
  • Wright Base Phone: 307-464-1515
  • Manager: Christopher Beltz
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