CCMH Introduces Pulmonary Rehab Program

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GILLETTE, WY - Campbell County Health's Cardiac Rehabilitation and Diagnostics department is introducing a new Pulmonary Rehabilitation program.

The American Thoracic Society defines Pulmonary Rehabilitation as "…an evidence-based, multidisciplinary, and comprehensive intervention for patients with chronic respiratory diseases who are symptomatic and often have decreased daily activities."

Patients with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) make up the majority of patients who are referred to Pulmonary Rehab. However, research has shown that it may benefit patients with not only obstructive lung diseases, but also patients with other types of lung diseases.

The program is designed to reduce symptoms such as shortness of breath, and enhance the patient's ability to return to work or leisure activities. In addition to registered nurses and respiratory therapists, the multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals includes registered dietitians, pharmacists and occupational therapists.

Class sizes are limited to ensure that each patient received individualized attention, and the average patient attends 18 sessions, or about 2 ½ months of classes, with each class lasting 1 ½ hours.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation is physician referred program, and patients must meet specific admission criteria, which is available through the Cardiac Diagnostics and Rehab department. Pulmonary Rehab is reimbursed by Medicare and private insurance.

Contact CCMH Cardiac Rehab and Diagnostics for more information at 688-2330.

  • Category: Health News