CEO Authors Book on Board Governance

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CCMH Chief Executive Officer Authors Book on Board Governance

GILLETTE, WY - Campbell County Health CEO Robert Morasko has co-authored a book on board governance entitled "Unlocking the Secrets to Better Board Governance". The book is now available in paperback or e-reader. The description on describes the new book as "… a treasure chest of knowledge that accelerates the learning cycle for anyone seeking to understand what it takes for a board of directors to govern most effectively for the owners they represent. Through a practical, no nonsense approach, the authors reveal the best-practices that are all too often overlooked by governing boards."

Bob's brother Jerry Morakso, CEO of Avita Health Systems in Galion, OH and Ruth Ann Watry, Asst. Professor of Political Science at Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI, are the other co-authors.

As a result of working for and with a number of different boards, Mr. Morasko and his co-authors sought to improve the success of the facilities where they worked by developing a more basic, less complicated and easier to understand system for board governance.

"It's very gratifying to have a book published," said Mr. Morakso. "It was a long process, about five years, but I'm proud to have contributed something relevant to my profession. I hope some of our regional boards will take the opportunity to read it."

  • Category: Health News