Congratulations Angel Farnsworth, CCH's Employee of the Month for October 2014

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer
Congratulations Angel Farnsworth, CCH's Employee of the Month for October 2014

Campbell County Health is proud of its employees! And, to show it, we've decided to showcase the employees who are recognized as Employees of the Month in the CCH Health Connect Blog. These employees are nominated by patients, as well as CCH leadership, physicians and staff.

Campbell County Health would like to congratulate Angel Farnsworth, Maternal Child, as the employee of the month for October 2014.

According to Angie's PRIDE Card:

"Angel was called to see if she could come in and work because we had 30-week twins deliver unexpectedly. She could not come in and help because she had no childcare for her children. So Angel sent the staff multiple pizzas because she knew how busy we were and we probably would not have ate if she hadn’t. Then another young patient was put on hospice care and one of our coworkers cared for this patient all day. Angel planned a spa day for that nurse knowing how emotionally tolling it was on her."

CCH is thrilled to have you on board, Angel. Thank you for thinking of your colleagues and providing excellence every day.

Would you like to recognize a CCH employee for their extraordinary service or for going the extra mile? Click here and complete a PRIDE Card.

  • Category: Employee Recognition, Maternal Child