Homegrown, Hi-tech Care at Heptner Cancer Center

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Homegrown, Hi-tech Care at Heptner Cancer Center

When you hear you’ve got cancer, time stops. You can’t help but think about the worst outcome as you wait to see your doctor and find out the details. That’s why keeping the time between discovery and treatment as short as possible is vitally important.

“Cancer may not be a medical emergency but we understand that it’s an emotional one. For that reason, we make every effort to see patients within a day or two,” says Dr. Keith Mills, oncologist/hematologist with CCH.

Although relatively small, the Heptner Cancer Center compares well with larger cancer centers on many levels — especially when it comes to putting patients first.

“I’ve had patients come to us and say they’ve gone to one of the large, prestigious centers and were pushed through like a number. We take pride here in giving patients and their families a lot of attention,” says Leigh Worsley, Cancer Center Manager.

Heptner collaborates with the University of Colorado for CCH patients involved in cancer studies. Dr. Mills is on the faculty at the University of Colorado, and works with academics and larger institutions to stay abreast of the latest and best therapies available.

“We can do a lot here. For example, our radiation oncology program can compete with any community hospital in regards to technology and quality. Plus, we take a team approach and offer patients access to specially-trained oncology and radiation nurses and doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, palliative care specialists, and social workers,” says Mills.

“Yet, if a patient needs highly specialized treatment we do not hesitate to refer them elsewhere. We never take a less effective approach just to keep them in town. Patients come first—that’s just our philosophy here,” adds Mills.

CCH is pleased to offer advanced technology including a linear accelerator that zeros in on cancer and breaks up and destroys tumor cells. The center offers the latest chemotherapy medicines in its infusion center as well as targeted therapies that alter specific chemicals within cancer cells.

“It’s really a human experience here. Whatever the patient and family need and want, we make every effort to provide,” states Mills who happily gives his cell phone number to all his patients—and truly hopes they’ll call.

What Cancer Patients Say about CCH

  • 100% rate doctors as excellent*
  • 90% rate staff as excellent*

*According to patient surveys in 2013 & 2014

CCH Delivers Oncology Care to Sundance, Newcastle
Dr. Keith Mills, oncologist, doesn’t want patients to have to travel when feeling sick. That’s why he visits Newcastle and Sundance the third Thursday of every month to see new and current patients.

Weston County Health Services
9:00 a.m. - noon

Dr. Keith Noback’s office (Crook County Medical Services)
1:00 - 5:00 pm

For appointments, call CCH oncology at 307-688-1903.

  • Category: CCH News, CCMG News, Health Matters, Cancer Treatment