Department Discovery-June: Heptner Cancer Center

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer
Department Discovery-June: Heptner Cancer Center

This month’s Department Discovery shines a light on the Heptner Cancer Center.

The Heptner Cancer Center provides advanced facilities and comprehensive treatment programs including chemotherapy and radiation therapy for patients in Gillette and northeast Wyoming. The Center offers advanced technology including a linear accelerator that zeros in on cancer and breaks up and destroys tumor cells. The Center also offers the latest chemotherapy medicines in its infusion center as well as targeted therapies that alter specific chemicals within cancer cells. It also offers other infusion therapies/treatment including IV antibiotics, hydration, Remicade infusions, iron deficiency therapy, and many others.

The Cancer Center takes a team approach to cancer care, and offers patients access to specially-trained oncology and radiation nurses and doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, palliative care specialists, and social workers. According to director Leigh Worsley, the Cancer Center staff is committed to LIFE:

  • L-Loving, laughing, living each day to the fullest
  • I-Independence through individualized, integrated care
  • F-Focus on family, friends, faith, fun and the future
  • E-Enhanced experience through encouragement, empathy, and education

A large part of that LIFE is family. The staff of 23 considers themselves a large extended family to their colleagues, and to each and every patient who walks through the doors. “We consider our patients and their family OUR family, and we enjoy getting to know them better,” says Leigh. “We realize that the Cancer Center isn’t the first place anyone wants to be, so we try to make it a positive experience; whether it is through our smiles, hugs, or just listening to them. We pride ourselves in being able to give one-on-one attention to our patients.”

It’s even been reported that Dr. Keith Mills happily gives his cell phone number to all of his patients—and truly hopes that they’ll call. “Patients come first—it’s as simple as that,” says Leigh.

And we’re not just saying it. According to surveys taken in 2013 and 2014, 100 percent of patients rated the doctors as excellent, and 90 percent of patients rated the staff as excellent.

The Center also makes sure to listen to what their patients are saying. Patients often must have labs drawn for their week/weeks in between chemo/infusion treatments. To help cut down on the time patients had to spend walking to and from the lab, as well as waiting for their labs to be drawn, the Cancer Center is working with the Laboratory to do all of the labs in the Center. Now, patients only have to visit the Cancer Center for their treatment, and their labs.

A big round of applause to the Heptner Cancer Center staff! Thank you for all that you do for CCH connected and for helping us keep our community healthy. You can learn more about the Heptner Cancer Center at

  • Category: CCMH News, Cancer Treatment, Laboratory, Patient Care