Mother's Milk Bank has an employee connection

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  • Written By: Karen Clarke
Mother's Milk Bank has an employee connection

Campbell County will have a local breast milk donor in a few weeks, if all goes well.

The Maternal Child department recently partnered with Rocky Mountain Children’s Health Foundation and Mother’s Milk Bank to open a human milk donation site for the community.

Mother’s Milk Bank is a non-profit program that allows mothers with extra breast milk to donate to those who need it, such as moms with twins, or moms who can’t produce enough breast milk.

CCH Phlebotomist Nicole Haman has been breastfeeding her daughter Makayla, now six months old, and is one of those moms who produces more than enough milk.

“After three months I had a deep freeze full of breast milk,” said Nicole.

Nicole heard about Mother’s Milk Bank from lactation consultant Dianna Moore when she was pumping in the special room set aside in the Maternal Child unit. She’s now in the process of completing the paperwork and testing that goes along with becoming a breast milk donor.

Donors must be non-smokers, take no medications, and she and family must be well during the time she donates. Donor requirements restrict alcohol use and limit caffeine consumption and have the same blood tests done that are done for blood donors.

Once Nicole completes the donor process, she can bring breast milk to Maternal Child for storage, who then ships it to the Mother’s Milk Bank in Denver.

“My manager and supervisor allow me to pump every three hours,” said Nicole. “Not every employer makes it so convenient and I have great support from my co-workers.”

CCH’s designation as a donor site also gives moms from Campbell County a higher priority to receive donated milk, according to Maternal Child Manager Josie LeMaster.

Nicole hopes to continue to breastfeed her daughter for another six months, and continue to donate to the Mother’s Milk Bank during that time.

“It’s rewarding for me to be able to help,” said Nicole.

Interested donors can call Mother’s Milk Bank directly at 1-877-458-5503, the Maternal Child department at Campbell County Health at 307-688-2200 or visit

  • Category: Campbell County Memorial Hospital, Laboratory, Maternal Child