The scoop on parking at CCH

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  • Written By: Andy Fitzgerald, CEO
The scoop on parking at CCH

CCH is growing. And with growth comes the need for more parking.

There’s almost nothing more frustrating than not being able to find a place to park. Especially if you’re a patient on your way to a doctor’s appointment where there may be some anxiety or even fear about what you may find out, or a visitor coming to see a family member or friend.

Parking has been an issue for us at the hospital over the years, and as we’ve grown it continues to be a concern. We have made it a priority to have patients and visitors park in spots that are closest to the building, and built a parking structure with a covered walkway to enter the main lobby. We increased the number of parking spaces by the Emergency Department several years ago and designed the new Main Clinic with designated patient parking on the south side of the hospital, but that still wasn’t enough.

Our Board has approved us to move forward with plans to increase parking this year. There are several options we’re considering: building another level on the current parking garage, extending the parking garage to the north, building a new parking structure on Stocktrail Avenue (by the current EMS building), or building a garage across the street from the Emergency Department and creating a pedestrian bridge over Burma Ave.

Architects will be helping us decide on the best option to increase parking, and I’ll keep you informed as plans are finalized.

  • Category: CCH Board of Trustees, CCH News, CCMG News, CEO Blog Post, Patient Care