Life's not over for this 38 year old with breast cancer
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- Written By: Karen Clarke
"You can live a normal life—your life's not over." That's a powerful statement from someone who's living with breast cancer.
Starla Reynolds was diagnosed at the age of 38 after a visit the CCMG Walk-in Clinic for a persistent cough. From there she had a mammogram at Campbell County Health's Radiology Department and more tests in Denver that confirmed her diagnosis.
Starla's first reaction was that she didn't have time for cancer. "I have kids who are very involved in sports and a full-time job," she said.
Starla has been receiving chemotherapy treatment at the Heptner Cancer Center and will have surgery to complete her treatment later this year. She's grateful for the security of being able to call Dr. Keith Mills, medical oncologist and hematologist, and Stacey Hastreiter, APRN, day or night with questions or concerns.
She credits her family and co-worker's support to keep her life as normal as possible. Starla works as a surgery scheduler for Campbell County Medical Group's Main Clinic and Drs. Barabas and Mosquera. She's been able to continue working while undergoing treatment. Her co-workers wear their "Team Starla" T-shirts every Friday in October, a fundraising project organized by her husband Chris' co-workers at Basin Electric Power Cooperative Dry Fork Station.
"I wasn't mad and never asked why me?," said Starla. "I'm actually quite thankful to have this experience. If I hadn't had cancer I would never have the opportunity to look at life differently. It's not all doom and gloom."