PFAC Empowers Community Members to Improve Care at CCH

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer
PFAC Empowers Community Members to Improve Care at CCH

At Campbell County Health, Cody Friedlan went from a junior volunteer to a member of the Patient & Family Advisory Council, where he and other volunteers affect real change within the health system.

“I really enjoy being able to share my opinion from a family perspective. Many of my family members have been patients at CCH,” he said. “It’s a great way to be heard.”

Friedlan’s first contact with CCH was as a junior volunteer in junior high, which he repeated in high school. He joined the committee over a year ago, and feels proud to have influenced the way staff talk to patients, how the website looks, and to even give a patient’s perspective on designing new patient rooms. The committee has also influenced patient education materials and evaluated customer service through secret shopping.

“Our committee members do a lot for us, and we plan on using their skills and perspectives even more in the future,” said Katie Golinvaux, Supervisor of Patient and Resident Experience. “They are really helping us incorporate the patient perspective in the way we do business.”

She says there has been some “ah ha” moments where the committee has given a perspective that wasn’t considered, and changed how things work. Friedlan said it’s exciting to see the health system continue to tailor what it does to fit patient needs.

“Everybody from administration to housekeeping is focused on patients, a change that’s happened in recent years. They welcome our opinion—whether it’s positive or negative—so they can understand how to do a better job,” he said.

Junior Volunteer Program
CCH is currently accepting applications for its Junior Volunteer Program. This program provides health care volunteer opportunities for youth ages 13-18. Applications are available online at Call 307-688-1536 for more information.

  • Application deadline: May 20
  • Orientation: June 1

Photo: PFAC members participating in a discussion regarding patient room designs. L-R Lorraine Miller, Cody Friedlan, Melainie Buer, Stephanie Morgado, Katie Golinvaux, Jessica Klym

  • Category: CCH News, Volunteer