Thanks for working here Thursday: Beck Koss, RN, Dialysis

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Thanks for working here Thursday: Beck Koss, RN, Dialysis

Campbell County Health is proud of its employees, and we want the CCH family and the Campbell County community to know about the good work that they do for this organization.

Allow me to introduce Rebecca (Beck) Koss, RN, who works in the Campbell County Memorial Hospital Dialysis Center. Beck has an associate’s degree in nursing from Gillette College, and has worked for CCH for five years. For those who don’t know, the Dialysis Center in Gillette provides dialysis treatment, testing, and education six days a week to meet the needs of patients, and their families, using hemodialysis for kidney failure. Dialysis provides a life-support treatment that uses a special machine to filter harmful wastes, salt, and extra fluid from the patient’s blood—essentially replacing many of the kidney's important functions. Beck’s mother, Pat Tschetter (who recently retired from working as a House Supervisor at CCH) was why Beck chose a career in health care. We asked Rebecca what she likes most about working at CCH and what excellence every day means to her. Check out her response:

“What do I love about working at CCH? We have access to some really amazing resources for our patients, and ourselves. I also love my coworkers, all of the opportunities that I have to grow in my career, as well as the encouragement to be the best nurse I can be.

Excellence every day means that I go the extra mile for every person I encounter in my day, whether it is in my department or in another. I also feel this means that I am an ambassador when I’m not at work and I represent the hospital in a positive way.”

We are very lucky to have a Dialysis Center in Gillette, and we are also very lucky to have employees like you, Beck, to care for patients. Thank you for all that you do to make our patients comfortable while they are here. We appreciate you.

Is there a CCH employee who went the extra mile or shows you extraordinary service? Give them a pat on the back by completing an Excellence Every Day card.

  • Category: Dialysis, Employee Recognition