CCH Volunteer Spotlight: Spencer Pecha

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer

Spencer PechaVolunteers enhance the care provided to patients at Campbell County Health in many different ways. This new feature will highlight one of our CCH volunteers and the important contributions they make to the organization and the community.

Spencer Pecha was at school in North Carolina when he picked up a book about hospice and palliative (comfort) medicine. It struck a chord with him and fit with his passion for volunteering in his community. When he returned home to Gillette, he had the opportunity to take the 16-hour hospice volunteer training course last spring.

Now Spencer volunteers once or twice a week at the Close to Home Hospice Hospitality House, visiting with patients and families, and sometimes bringing meals over from the hospital to the hospice house. He says that spending time with these patients gives him perspective, and that it is a great honor when someone lets you be part of the most vulnerable time in their life.

Hospice Volunteer Coordinator Sherri Thrall calls Spencer an amazing volunteer who is very reliable, and even calls in to see if he’s needed. She says that the patients enjoy and look forward to his visits.

Spencer currently works at the CCMG Main Clinic as a Medical Assistant (MA) for Dr. Landi Lowell in the Internal Medicine Clinic, but his dream is to eventually attend medical school. He’s begun the application process already, and will take the national MA certification exam in January.

Spencer embodies the spirit of volunteerism—giving his time in service to others. Thank you Spencer, for all that you do for CCH and this community. If you're interested in learning more about volunteering with CCH, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Chris Buxton at 307.688.1536 or visit

  • Category: Campbell County Healthcare Foundation, Campbell County Medical Group Complex and Internal Medicine, Close to Home Hospice Hospitality House, Home Health & Hospice, Volunteer