Thanks for working here Thursday: Jessica Boyd, Behavioral Health Services

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer
Thanks for working here Thursday: Jessica Boyd, Behavioral Health Services

Campbell County Health is proud of its employees, and we want the CCH family and the Campbell County community to know about the good work that they do for this organization.

Allow me to introduce Jessica Boyd, a Human Services Specialist in Campbell County Health’s Behavioral Health Services department. Jessica has worked at CCH for eight years—going on nine—and all of those years have been in BHS. Jessica works with severely mentally ill adults and severally emotionally disabled children, essentially creating a safe place for them to feel like they belong and are wanting. “With kids, we work on coping skills—how to get through negative reactions in a healthy way—and focusing on good qualities not bad, and mindfulness skills. So, essentially, we teach them to get moving, create art, write, take photos, exercise, play with dogs, and so forth to get through something negative that is happening in their life,” Jessica says. She is also the coordinator for the parenting program, which holds six-week to 15-week classes throughout the year. We asked Jessica what she likes most about her job, and what excellence every day means to her. Check out her response:

“The best thing about my job is my clients. They make me smile. There are so many cruddy things in the world today, and then when I get to see my clients, they make my whole day better. I also have a great boss (Kelly Peters) and great colleagues. They are always available, they have my back, they are kind, and they all genuinely care about the people we are serving.

Excellence every day is when your clients leave you, they think that they are your favorite. Like you love them the most out of everyone else you see. I like making everyone feel special.”

Jessica, thank you for working so hard to treat everyone like they are special and loved when they are with you. We are proud to have you on our team!

Is there a CCH employee who went the extra mile or shows you extraordinary service? Give them a pat on the back by completing an Excellence Every Day card.

  • Category: Behavioral Health Services, Employee Recognition