Applications accepted to fill Board of Trustees Vacancy

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Applications accepted to fill Board of Trustees Vacancy

GILLETTE, WY – The Campbell County Health (CCH) Board of Trustees is now accepting applications for a trustee to fill a vacancy following the resignation of Trustee Mike Dugan.

Applications can be completed online or downloaded at, or can be picked up at CCH Administration, located at 501 S. Burma Avenue, near the Human Resources Department on the Ground Floor. Completed applications can be emailed using the online form, dropped off at CCH Administration, or mailed to CCH at P.O. Box 3011, Gillette, WY 82717-3011. Application deadline is Monday, January 15, 2018 at 5 pm.

The application asks about previous board experience, (if any), potential conflicts of interest, why the applicant is interested in serving, and what the applicant feels is the most important issue facing CCH.

According to Board policy, applications are sent to the trustees to review. If, after reviewing the applications, the Board can choose an applicant unanimously, the selection will be made. If the Board cannot make a unanimous selection, interviews with two to five applicants will be conducted. After the interviews, the Board will select a new member by majority vote of the quorum.

The new trustee will serve out the remaining term of the member they replace, which in this case is November 2018.

  • Category: Health News