Hospice employees help patient's family stay close

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer

4 womenCampbell County Health Home Health and Hospice employees Niki Beck, Audrey Dodson, Thea Guseman, Michelle Luhr, DeShannon Shore, and Marla Strgar kindly donated money toward a hospice patient’s mother’s stay in the Campbell County Healthcare Foundation's Close to Home Hospice Hospitality House for Random Acts of Kindness Week.

For those who don't know, the Close to Home House offers hospitality services for patients and family members receiving medical treatment in Campbell County, Wyoming for a reasonable donation. It's conveniently located across the street from Campbell County Memorial Hospital, the Heptner Cancer Center and other community medical facilities.

And, CCH Hospice employee Leslie Engstrom and her daughter, Harlee, brought cupcakes for staff today as a random act of kindness as well.

Join Campbell County Health and Kindness Wyoming as we hand out 307 random acts of kindness this week!

Kindness is contagious; pass it on.Leslie Engstrom of Hospice (and daughter, Harlee) brought by cupcakes for staff today as her random act of kindness

  • Category: Campbell County Healthcare Foundation, Home Health & Hospice