Thanks for working here Thursday: Brenda Turnquist, CDA, Early Childhood Center

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer
Thanks for working here Thursday: Brenda Turnquist, CDA, Early Childhood Center

Campbell County Health is proud of its employees, and we want the CCH family and the Campbell County community to know about the good work that they do for this organization.

Allow us to introduce Brenda Turnquist, CDA, a Childcare Technician at the CCH Early Childhood Center (ECC), which provides quality childcare for children of CCH employees during their working hours. Brenda has earned her Child Development Associate (CDA), which is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education. She has been with CCH for 11 years.

Heidi Bellor says that Brenda is a great example of excellence every day. “So many of our employees and parents rely on Brenda for her advice and expertise—she is always willing to listen or help out in any way that she can,” Heidi says. “Brenda is a great role model for many and always has a positive attitude that is hard to ignore and usually spreads throughout the room. Brenda is able to put everyone at ease and feel like you have known her forever.”

Brenda was a CNA in Watford City, North Dakota, for 13 years before she moved to Gillette. She was inspired to work in the ECC because she has always loved kids. “When my own were grown and on their own, I decided to try the daycare setting to get my kid fix,” she says.

Brenda calls Noamie Niemitalo (a CCH Legend) her healthcare hero because she showed Brenda that there is more to childcare than taking care of children. “I wish I had worked under her when my own kids were little,” she said.

When Brenda isn’t working, she loves spending time with her children and grandchildren. “I also enjoy reading, going to movies, taking walks and fishing in the summertime,” she says.

We asked Brenda what she likes most about working at CCH, and what excellence every day means to her. Check out her response:

“My favorite part of my job is seeing the smiles on the kid’s faces when they first see us in the morning. It makes me feel that I am doing something right for them. I love getting to take care of the babies, and working with great coworkers.

For me, excellence every day is going above and beyond what is expected of us.”

Thank you, Brenda, for taking such great care of your colleagues children. We appreciate you.

Is there a CCH employee who went the extra mile or shows you extraordinary service? Give them a pat on the back by completing an Excellence Every Day card.

  • Category: CCH News, Employee Recognition