Meet Julie Fall, MD, CCH February 2018 Provider of the Month

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer
Meet Julie Fall, MD, CCH February 2018 Provider of the Month

Meet Julie Fall, MD, the Campbell County Health February 2018 Provider of the Month.

Dr. Julie Fall joined the medical staff in 1984 and is Board Certified in Pediatrics. She attended medical school at the Creighton University School of Medicine in Omaha, Neb., and completed her pediatric residency at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, MO.

Dr. Fall and her husband, fellow pediatrician Dr. David Fall, had planned on staying in Gillette for only three years to fulfill their educational obligations to the state of Wyoming. The pair was going to return to Kansas City, but realized that they had a more intensive and challenging practice in Gillette than their friends and colleagues back in Kansas. As one of very few pediatricians in a small, relatively isolated community, the Fall’s practice, Big Horn Pediatrics, included neonatology, oncology and pediatric emergency care over their 33-plus years in Gillette. Under their leadership the Campbell County Memorial Hospital Maternal Child department developed the high standard of education and training for the Nursery staff that still exists today.

Dr. Julie is now caring for the second generation of Campbell County residents, recognizing the parents of current patients that she cared for as children.

The Falls raised their three children in Gillette; Robin, Abby and Nathan. Robin is a multimedia specialist and video production manager in Hong Kong; Abby is a mom and a physician specializing in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility; and Nathan is a second year law student. Dr. Julie jokes that he is the only one of their children with a “normal” profession.

As they begin to slow down their practice careers, Dr. Julie is looking forward to spending more time with her one grandchild and hoping for more in the future.

Thank you, Dr. Julie Fall, for keeping Campbell County kids healthy for over 33 years.

  • Category: Doctor, Employee Recognition, Maternal Child, Provider of the Month