Spring Cleaning: How to prioritize your chore list

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  • Written By: Rachel Wilde, PBT, CPT, MA
Spring Cleaning: How to prioritize your chore list

For some, spring means cleaning and organizing. There is something about being able to open up the windows and airing out the house, that just inspires change. It can be overwhelming though when you start thinking about the tasks piled up around your home after a long winter! Cleaning out the closets may be the least of your worries when the warm sun and gardening is calling your name.

With that in mind, this article is designed to help you prioritize your spring chore list. You will find helpful tips for home maintenance and also spring safety ideas. You can save your closets for a rainy day! You can also download a list here.

  1. For general cleaning around your home, I looked to Martha Stewart for suggestions (we all know she keeps a ship-shape home). Wipe walls and ceilings with a vacuum and tell dust bunnies goodbye till next year. Dusting books and shelves can be done with the vacuum also. Re-seal your grout in the kitchen and bath areas. Vacuum and shampoo rugs around the house. Upholstery and rugs can always use a good airing out- take them outside and beat them by hand to remove dust. Clean your metal doors and window hardware with liquid polishes or disposable wipes that are made for that purpose. Waxing your wooden furniture is also suggested on www.marthastewart.com.
  2. Kitchen and bath clean-up are a snap when you maintain them through the year. Little jobs like sanitizing your cutting board and sponges help you to minimize germs. (Did you know that the average chopping board has 200 more time fecal bacteria on it than a toilet seat—can we say yuck!) Run your cutting boards through your dish washer after use and microwave your sponges for 30 seconds each day. (Make sure your sponge is wet though!) Take a moment to clean out cupboards, looking specifically for expiration dates. Donate items you aren’t using to a local food bank or soup kitchen. Clear out your medicine cabinet, too and dispose of unused medications through drop off sites at the City of Gillette Police Department or the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office; or make sure to participate in one of the biannual prescription take-back days sponsored by law enforcement.
  3. Your household appliances need special attention periodically as well. Take a moment to vacuum the coils on your refrigerator’s condenser. They are usually found under the fridge and are very good at collecting all the dust, hair and dirt from the kitchen floor. Cleaning out your dryer vents can make your dryer more efficient and prevent a home fire. Replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and maintain your fire extinguishers through the home. Don’t forget to also check the outlets appliances are plugged into for any damage!
  4. Did you know your air conditioner and furnace need periodic cleaning? Spring is the perfect time to clean or replace the AC and furnace filters. While you are replacing those filters, check your home for mold. Places to look include damp areas of the home that are typically dark, too. Under the sinks, the attic, the basement, around your water heater and furnace and also around vents, and behind the washer and dryer.
  5. Outside the home can use a good tidying as well. Check your gutters and down spouts for clogs and debris. Window wells tend to collect leaves and trash through the winter and make great homes for critters you don’t want making their way into your home. Make sure all your window screens are intact after the harsh winter and replace bulbs in your security lighting. Your roof deserves a good once over as well- checking for damage after the winter winds and ice have done their deeds.

Keep on top of all these small tasks each spring and you will maintain the longevity of your appliances, furniture and heating and cooling of your home—even Martha Stewart would be proud!

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Campbell County Health's Wellness works to reduce health risks and promote overall wellness among employee groups and individuals across the northeastern Wyoming region. To learn more about Wellness, please visit www.cchwyo.org/Wellness or call 307.688.8051.

Rachel Wilde, PBT, CPT, MA, works at CCH Wellness as a Technician and Phlebotomist

  • Category: Wellness