PET/CT campaign has reached the goal!

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer

capital campaign logoThe Campbell County Healthcare Foundation’s PET/CT capital campaign has reached its fundraising goal of $782,500. The campaign was in the final stretch after the Black Cat Ball, where $94,000 was raised, including a $25,000 matching gift from Cyclone Drilling and the Hladky family. An additional matching grant from the Marna M. Kuehne Foundation contributed $97,500 toward the goal. And an extraordinary gift of $50,000 from Raymond and Cynthia Saunders helped complete the campaign.

The PET/CT capital campaign kicked off a year ago with a goal to raise $782,500, or half the cost of the equipment. The remaining $782,500 will be contributed by Campbell County Health.

PET, or Positron Emission Tomography, is a type of imaging that helps healthcare providers choose the best treatments for cancer, see how well treatment is working and detect if cancer has spread to other areas of the body. Patients currently receive PET scans in a mobile unit that travels to Gillette twice a month. Permanent PET/CT equipment installed in the Heptner Cancer Center at Campbell County Memorial Hospital means that patients can be seen when they need to be screened and in a more comfortable, climate-controlled environment.

Now that the funds have been raised, the equipment can be ordered, with installation planned for this spring.

“A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to our fundraising campaign,” said Leigh Worsley, campaign co-chair. “The generosity of Gillette and Campbell County, Wyoming, is amazing. We started fundraising only about a year ago, and in a few months we’ll be able to provide PET/CT when it is needed without waiting.”

The Campbell County Healthcare Foundation advocates for quality healthcare services in Campbell County through leadership, education, scholarships and fundraising. Learn more at

  • Category: Campbell County Healthcare Foundation, Cancer Treatment, Patient Care