Local EMS providers earn national conference trip

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Local EMS providers earn national conference trip

GILLETTE, WY – Local emergency medical services providers teamed up to win a mass casualty incident scenario competition at the Wyoming Department of Health Office of Emergency Medical Services (OEMS) 48th Annual Trauma and Emergency Medical Services Conference in August 2018. The team was comprised of:

Their success earns the trio an all-expense paid trip to the EMS World Expo in Nashville, Tenn., from October 29-November 2, 2018.

According to Jason Frye, CCH Paramedic who helped organize the event on behalf of Wyoming OEMS, the scenario was based on a human trafficking ring being conducted out of a room at the Little America in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Everyone in the room was experiencing a medical emergency, and the team’s goal was to triage all the patients, care for the most critical, and call in additional resources to treat the remaining patients. A total of 10 teams competed in the competition, with the winning team scoring 156 points of the 198 points possible.

“Most people don’t think of this type of stuff (human trafficking) happening in Wyoming, but it does and that is why the state wanted this type of scenario,” says Jason. “The problems found included someone having a heart attack, others with stab and/or gunshot wounds and others with signs of physical abuse.”

Jason said that the team won by doing very well on both the triage and the treatment portion, and the outstanding teamwork and support provided by all team members.

“I believe that the team winning this scenario highlights the excellent working relationship that we have between emergency service agencies in Campbell County, Wyoming,” says JR. “Each agency has a role in a positive patient outcome. This is how pre-hospital care happens locally.”

Learn more about the Campbell County Fire Department at www.ccfire.us. Learn more about Campbell County Health Emergency Medical Services at www.cchwyo.org/ems. Learn more about the Wyoming Office of Emergency Medical Services at health.wyo.gov/ems/.

CCH OEMS Competition 2018

  • Category: Health News