Custom hearing protection available at CCMG Audiology

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer
Custom hearing protection available at CCMG Audiology

Patients can have custom earplugs made in about two weeks at Campbell County Medical Group Audiology.

At the initial appointment Audiologist Kathryn Schmidt-Miller, MS, CCC, assesses the kind of hearing protection needed, based on the type and duration of noise exposure. The most common type is a solid earplug, used primarily for patients who are exposed to continuous noise.

An impression is made of both ears, and is sent off for manufacturing. The patient wears their new earplugs for a few weeks, and comes back to the clinic to make sure they are providing adequate protection, called attenuation.

There is no charge for the initial and follow-up appointments, and the most common type of earplugs are about $250.

Read more about how to prevent hearing loss on the Questions for the Experts blog, How important is good ear protection at the shooting range?

We're here to help you hear!
If you would like to know more about your hearring, or if a comprehensive hearing test was indicated, call the Campbell County Medical Audiology at 307.688.4368 for an appointment with audiologist Kathryn Schmidt-Miller, MS, CCC. At the Audiology Clinic, we provide identification, assessment and rehabilitation of hearing loss. Kathy is a member and has served on the board of the National Hearing Conservation Association. If hearing is your concern, we are here to meet your needs. Learn more at

  • Category: Campbell County Medical Group Audiology