What motivates you to move?

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  • Written By: Rachel Conrad, PBT, CPT, MA
What motivates you to move?

I have a confession: I WANT a Peloton bike.

I want it so bad, I can taste it. The classes, the sweat, the music! It all looks so fun. And you know what else, I want just about every other fitness gadget I keep seeing on TV.

I want the Mirror home fitness gym, and the Echelon reflect, and the Tonal—it’s your very own personal trainer! I feel dirty just saying it, but I want them all.

I know it’s complete blasphemy coming out of my mouth because I have worked in a gym and taught fitness classes since I was 21, and I have personal trained for 20 years now. These beautiful, in your home fitness “miracles” could put a girl like me right out of business.

Here is the thing though—something would be missing. It that element is often overlooked by the fitness equipment consumer. I could purchase all those cool gadgets. Most are a monthly cost that is similar to a gym membership. The cost wouldn’t be missing, but do you know what would be missing?

It’s the people.

Personally, I would miss other humans. I find that a big chunk of my fitness satisfaction comes from experiencing hard work with other humans. I enjoy their company and the laughter. Encouragement doesn’t usually come from a mirror. It comes from your friends.

I also wonder, “How would my recliners feel about me working out in front of them?” It’s pretty likely that I’d be working out in the middle of my living room. In the place that I like to relax. I have this sinking feeling I might be more likely to get more done at a gym… You know, the place people go, specifically to exercise? And most certainly, my floor looks cleaner without sweat all over it.

Then there is the obstacles. I’m pretty convinced that my big ole’ Cooper dog would be a great help when I’m trying to do a plank. Dog kisses only help when you’re trying to work up a sweat. Could you imagine the looks my cat would give me? Complete disdain for my efforts…

So in short, here is my final, unsolicited thoughts:

Before you go out and spend a small fortune on the latest and greatest fitness innovation, put some thought into what really motivates you.

I believe that all the smoke and mirrors in the world can’t replace the experiences of a group fitness class.

Yes, the cool new bike looks sporty, sexy and fun. But let’s be real—nothing beats a live concert, with a fitness instructor/DJ who knows your favorite jump song and plays it just for you.

A “one size fits all” program won’t help you create social connections and friendship, and it won’t give you accountability. It’s hard to top the expert guidance and encouragement of a real, live person—a qualified personal trainer who cares about you and is invested in your success.

Purchase wisely my friends!

Have Questions?
Rachel Conrad, PBT, CPT, MA, works at CCH Wellness as a Technician, Phlebotomist and Health Coach in Gillette, Wyoming. Campbell County Health's Wellness works to reduce health risks and promote overall wellness among employee groups and individuals in Campbell County, Wyoming and beyond. To learn more about Wellness, please visit www.cchwyo.org/Wellness or call 307.688.8051.

Wellness offers the Campbell County, Wyoming community daily blood draws every Monday-Thursday, from 6 am-12 pm, and Friday, from 6-11 am, at 1901 Energy Ct., Suite 125—located behind Wendy's in Gillette, Wyoming. For Wright residents, these screenings are also available at the Wright Clinic, 500 Latigo Drive, Monday-Friday from 8-11 am. No appointment required! Use the My Health Home patient portal and get access to most test results in less than 48 hours. For more information about the blood tests and health screenings available at Wellness, call 307.688.8051 or visit www.cchwyo.org/screen.

  • Category: Wellness