Thanks for working here Thursday: Donny Edwards, MDiv., CCH Chaplain Coordinator

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer
Thanks for working here Thursday: Donny Edwards, MDiv., CCH Chaplain Coordinator

Campbell County Health is proud of its employees, and we want the CCH family and the Campbell County, Wyoming community to know about the good work that they do for this organization.

Say hello to Donny Edwards, MDiv, the Chaplain Coordinator in the Patient Experience Department for CCH. Donny has been with CCH for nearly four years, and has been in the healthcare field for more than six years. He earned his masters of divinity from Lee University in Cleveland, Tenn. As the Chaplain Coordinator, Donny oversees and recruits for the chaplain, associate chaplain, and abiders programs. He works with a team of around 30 volunteers that includes highly respected senior members of the local pastoral community to 20-somethings with more progressive ideas toward their ministries. There are Associate Chaplains who specialize in specific care areas like long term care or hospice, and Abiders who sit with residents at The Legacy Living and Rehabilitation Center in their final days or hours.

Donny was attracted to work as a Chaplain in health care from his first ministry experience. “I had a few students who were in the hospital often, so I would find myself traveling to wherever they were to be with the family during illness. I watched and became more and more interested in working alongside the healthcare staff. The ability to work with different backgrounds, professionals, and faith communities while providing spiritual care interested me to the point where I began an internship and never left. There is something unique about sitting with a family and holding with them the sacred moments of life,” he says.

When asked who his health care heroes are, Donny says he has many he’d like to mention. “Wendi Steinberg for pushing me in residency to ask the questions of myself and my work to grow into a more effective chaplain. Mary Barks and Katie Golinvaux for challenging me to grow as a person and chaplain in our community. George Keralis for consistently demonstrating humility, intelligence, and grace in every interaction he has,” he says. He then adds: “The on-call chaplains, associate chaplains and abiders are my true heroes for their grace, love, and willingness to walk with me to serve this community is something I am honored by each and every day."

When Donny isn’t at work, he says that he loves hiking with his wife, Rachel, and dogs as they explore the wild west. “Rachel and I love traveling, and during those elusive times when we both are off, we love exploring the surrounding territory,” he says. Donny also says that he finds joy in study, and is always working on some lesson plan or concept to keep him busy.

We asked Donny what he likes most about working for CCH, and what excellence every day means to him. Check out his response:

“This is a place that is run and connected to the community we serve. Every single day we take care of neighbors, friends, family within our walls, and what I see is a CCH family that takes the extra moment to help a patient, goes above what they need to do to just to make sure somebody has a better day.

I work in a small and diverse department. In the midst of that diversity, I find that our respect for one another, different areas of expertise and skill, and willingness to listen and help allow us to find creative solutions to problems together.

Ultimately, for me excellence every day means that I use the skills and abilities I have as a chaplain, and as a person, to meet a customer most effectively in an interaction that would move them one step closer to their goal or need. I ask myself, ‘How can I communicate that they are heard, loved, and sacred most effectively to them with both my words and actions?’”

We appreciate you, Donny. Thank you for being a wonderful colleague, friend, chaplain, community member and person. We are proud to have you on our team.

Is there a CCH employee who went the extra mile or shows you extraordinary service? Give them a pat on the back by completing an Excellence Every Day card.

For more information about Chaplain Services, feel free to contact Donny at 307-688-1540, check out the page, or visit him in his office by the Emergency Department. And know that he always has a supply of tea for visitors.

  • Category: CCH News, CCMH News, Chaplain Services, Emergency Department, Employee Recognition, The Legacy Living and Rehabilitation Center