New PET/CT Scanner installation begins!

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer

installation of pet/ct scannerInstallation of the new PET/CT scanner began yesterday with the removal of the old CT scanner in the Heptner Cancer Center at Campbell County Memorial Hospital in Gillette, Wyoming.

The next steps are to get approval for remodeling, complete the construction, install the new PET/CT unit, train staff, complete the required inspections, and receive approval to operate.

A date for the Open House has not been finalized, but will be set for mid-summer.

In November 2018, the Campbell County Healthcare Foundation’s PET/CT capital campaign has reached its fundraising goal for this project. PET, or Positron Emission Tomography, is a type of imaging that helps healthcare providers choose the best treatments for cancer, see how well treatment is working and detect if cancer has spread to other areas of the body. Patients currently receive PET scans in a mobile unit that travels to Gillette twice a month. Permanent PET/CT equipment installed in the Heptner Cancer Center at CCMH means that patients can be seen when they need to be screened and in a more comfortable, climate-controlled environment.

The Campbell County Healthcare Foundation advocates for quality healthcare services in Campbell County through leadership, education, scholarships and fundraising. Learn more at

  • Category: Campbell County Healthcare Foundation, Cancer Treatment