New Board trustee brings healthcare experience

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  • Written By: Felicia Messimer
New Board trustee brings healthcare experience

Dustin Martinson was appointed to the Campbell County Health Board of Trustees at a special board meeting on November 7, 2019. He’s worked in healthcare in Gillette, Wyoming as a physical therapist and former owner of Rehab Solutions, and is currently the CEO of SYFR Health Information Management, a healthcare billing and coding company he started four years ago. He has a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration and is interested in the economics of healthcare.

Serving on the Board of Trustees has been a goal of Dustin’s since he attended the Campbell County Chamber of Commerce’s Gillette Area Leadership Institute (GALI) in 2009-2010. His current business works with other healthcare organizations in Wyoming and other areas of the country, but Dustin hasn’t been able to contribute as much to his hometown health system. According to Dustin, it was the right time for him to serve; his business is stable and he has the time to commit to the position.

“I’m coming in with an open mind,” said Dustin. “I want to start by learning all I can about what’s happening strategically with our health system. Then I can use my skills and experience to help where I can.”

Dustin praised the CCH staff, saying, “…the system only functions because of all the employees, from environmental services to physicians, have a vital role to play in the success of the organization.”

Dustin is married to his high school sweetheart Heather, and they have three children; Bella, 10; Evan, 7; and Owen, 2. The family is busy with school activities, sports like basketball and rodeo, and spending time with family and friends.

Dustin will be sworn in on Friday, November 15, and will attend his first Board meeting on December 5. He will serve just about a year, until the 2020 general election.

  • Category: CCH Board of Trustees, CCH News