Home-grown Nurse Practitioner chooses Family Medicine

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Home-grown Nurse Practitioner chooses Family Medicine

Nurse Practitioner Nikole Lawrence always had her end game in sight.

She received her Associate Degree from Gillette College, her Bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Wyoming, and worked in the Medical/Surgical unit at Campbell County Memorial Hospital for seven years on the path to her goal of becoming an Advance Practice Provider. She cared for a variety of hospitalized patients from infants to the elderly, who had lots of different health issues.

“That’s why I chose family medicine,” said Nikole. “My nursing experience made me feel comfortable with the challenges of caring for all different kinds of patients. It also made me appreciate the importance of prevention to maintain health, giving patients the tools and resources to help them make and reach their goals.”

You can make an appointment with Nikole Lawrence, APRN, with CCMG Family Medicine in the Main Clinic. Call 307.688.3636 or visit www.cchwyo.org/family to learn more.

  • Category: Campbell County Medical Group Family Medicine, Medical/Surgical Unit, Patient Care