Thanks for working here this week: Christy Sauget, Pharmacist

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Thanks for working here this week: Christy Sauget, Pharmacist

Campbell County Health is proud of its employees, and we want the CCH family and the Campbell County community to know about the good work that they do for this organization.

Allow us to introduce Christy Sauget, PharmD, BCPS, SIDP, a Pharmacist at Campbell County Memorial Hospital in Gillette, Wyoming. She’s worked for CCH for 10 years. Christy earned her pharmacy degree at the University of Wyoming and is Board Certified in Pharmacotherapy. For those who don’t know, the CCMH Pharmacy isn't a retail pharmacy, instead it’s responsible for helping with medications prescribed for patients while they are in the hospital. The Pharmacy is also the only dispensary that provides home IV therapy that's ordered by a provider and mixes all of the chemotherapy drugs for the patients at the Heptner Cancer Center.

Christy originally thought that she wanted to be a veterinarian when she entered the University of Wyoming. “I quickly learned that due to my aversion to needles and causing pain to animals that I would not make a great veterinarian. I really enjoyed science from a young age and moved forward with the pre-requisites for pharmacy school,” she says.

She calls Don Vecchio her health care hero. “On my hospice rotation, Don helped change federal law to allow for fax prescriptions for terminally ill patients and it has shaped the pharmacy world today. I also worked and did a rotation under Tonja Woods, who is a faculty member at the University of Wyoming who is an absolute rock star of a pharmacist. A the time she was a professor at the school, ran her own ambulatory clinic doing medication and disease state management, and working a few days here and there at the then independent pharmacy in Laramie, Wyo,” she says.

When she’s not at work, Christy spends a lot of time outside—hiking, fishing, backpacking, and hunting. “For the last several years we have been making trips to Denver to care for my son who has a rare medical condition called VACTERL association. He is the happiest boy and many of my colleagues ask me about him to keep tabs on him,” she says.

We asked Christy what she likes most about working for CCH, and what excellence every day means to her. Check out her response:

“Working in the Pharmacy is like working with a second family—complete with ornery brothers and kind sisters. We have a great team.

I take a lot of pride in interacting with patients and providing them education that helps them change their lives—from medication education, to providing websites for them to learn about medications. It makes me smile when I go home. I think the biggest thing I get pride from is working behind the scenes in addressing antibiotic use at the institution by being the head of the acute care antimicrobial stewardship team. I make a new antibiogram each year that helps providers use initial appropriate antibiotics for conditions or bacterial infections.

Excellence everyday means continuing your education even after you get out of school. Pharmacy is an ever evolving field and you have to stay up to date with new guidelines, medications, and treatments.”

Christy, thank you for better educating our patients on medications that can improve their lives, and keeping current on everything in the Pharmacy world. We appreciate you!

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  • Category: CCMH News, Employee Recognition, Pharmacy