CCH: Protect Others—Call Ahead, Ask for a Telephone Visit

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CCH: Protect Others—Call Ahead, Ask for a Telephone Visit

Gillette, Wyoming—Campbell County Health (CCH) asks for your cooperation as we all try to limit the spread of coronavirus in our communities. At this time, providers at CCH and Campbell County Medical Group encourage everyone who may need non-emergency medical care to call their clinic or provider first—please do not walk-in to your clinic during this time.

CCH is also offering telephone visits. Certain symptoms may be treatable depending on severity over a telephone or cell phone. Your provider will assess your condition and, if needed, may refer you to a clinic for diagnosis and treatment. Telephone visits are HIPAA compliant, so any personal information you provide is safe and secure. A telephone visit will be billed based on time, and is covered by Medicare and Medicaid and some insurance, be sure to check your insurance policy.

Below is a list of phone numbers for the following Campbell County Medical Group clinics to call:

  • Audiology, 307-688-4368
  • Behavioral Health Services, 307-688-5000. BHS is also offering video services. To learn more, please visit
  • Cardiology, 307-688-3700
  • Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, 307.688.3615
  • Kid Clinic, 307-688-8700
  • Main Clinic—Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Urology, 307-688-3636
  • Wyoming Orthopedics & Spine, 307-686-1413. Learn about Orthopedic Urgent Care at
  • Nephrology & Complex Medicine, 307-688-3535
  • Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine, 307-688-3615
  • Walk In Clinic & Occupational Health, 307-688-9225 or use save your place in line at
  • Wright Clinic & Occupational Health, 307-464-0413

If you have suffered a serious injury or have symptoms of a serious condition such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, severe abdominal pain, or have a possible emergency, please call 911.

If you do not have a medical provider, contact Campbell County Public Health for a list of doctors in the Campbell County, Wyoming community at 307-682-7275. You can also visit for a list of CCH healthcare providers.

If you believe that you have COVID-19, and if you are not having trouble breathing, please stay home where you are safe. There is no treatment for COVID-19, and the majority of cases are mild.

Testing for COVID-19 is not a medical emergency. To begin the screening process, those with respiratory symptoms are asked to call your healthcare provider or 307-688-1000. If you are having trouble breathing, please call 911. Learn more at

  • Category: Health News