CCMH Closes to Visitors

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CCMH Closes to Visitors

Gillette, Wyoming – Campbell County Health (CCH) is closing Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH) to visitors as the number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases continues to increase in the state, and people are being urged to keep their distance from one another.

Dr. Nicholas Stamato, FACC, Chief of Medical Staff and Cardiologist at Campbell County Medical Group Cardiology“CCH asks for your cooperation as we work to limit the spread of coronavirus in our communities,” says Dr. Nicholas Stamato, FACC, Chief of Medical Staff and Cardiologist at Campbell County Medical Group Cardiology. “It is important to remember COVID-19 control measures may only delay cases, not prevent cases—but this delay gives your healthcare providers time to prepare. We encourage you to stay home, or participate in social distancing, as much as possible. This means working from home, or staying in rather than going out to bars or restaurants—and it’s our best shot at slowing down the spread of this virus.”

CCMH will not allow any visitors except one parent of pediatric patients and one support person of those giving birth. All patients will be required to undergo a respiratory health screening and have their temperature taken; no one under 18 will be allowed.

CCMH departments that are closed include:

  • Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehabilitation
  • Outpatient Respiratory Therapy
  • Surgery – only taking emergent cases and those deemed medically necessary. One support person permitted after passing a respiratory health screening.

CCMH departments that are closed to visitors include:

  • Dialysis Center
  • Emergency Department
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Maternal Child Unit – one support person of those giving birth permitted after passing a respiratory health screening
  • Medical / Surgical Unit
  • Radiology
  • Third Floor Clinics – Cardiology; Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism; Nephrology & Complex Medicine; and Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine.

Entrances into CCMH for the public include:

  • Emergency Department / Walk-in Clinic Entrance will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week at all times.
  • Heptner Cancer Center Entrance will be open during regular business hours for Dialysis and Oncology patients only.
  • Main Clinic Entrance will be open during regular business hours. Patients are asked to call when they arrive for clinic appointments and staff will come to the door to let them in. The Pediatric Clinic is cancelling all non-essential appointments.
  • CCMH Covered Walkway Entrance (from the Parking Garage) will be open 6:30 am-5:30 pm Monday-Friday, and closed after 5:30 pm Monday-Friday and Weekends. The Circle Driveway to the Main Entrance will be closed to traffic; patients must park in the Parking Garage and access the walkway to enter the building.

Other restrictions include:

Medical Records is closed to the public. Obtain a record release form by:

  • Phone 307-688-1300; a release form will then be emailed to you
  • Fax 307-688-1390
  • Email
  • Visit, click on the Patient Forms section, scroll down to the CCMH Medical Records Forms section, and download the Release of Information Form

Patient Financial Services is closed to the public. Call 307.688.2690 for billing needs. You can also pay your bill online at

Wyoming Orthopedics & Spine is open and seeing limited patients. Please call 307-686-1413 for questions or concerns.

The Wellness daily community blood draws, lab tests, and health and wellness screenings have been discontinued in the Campbell County, Wyoming community until further notice. Please keep in mind that Wellness was not intended to replace the need for diagnostic laboratory services. The CCMH Laboratory is available for blood draws that MUST be done; testing requires a doctor's order. Patients who enter CCMH will be screened for respiratory symptoms before they can access the Lab. All corporate health coaching appointments will be conducted by phone. If you have an appointment, please expect a call at your scheduled time.

If you get sick with a respiratory disease, please stay home and call your doctor. Respiratory symptoms include:

  • congestion
  • cough
  • fever over 100.4
  • runny nose
  • shortness of breath
  • sore throat

If you are not having trouble breathing, please stay home where you are safe. Most COVID-19 cases will be mild and will not require hospital care. Currently, there is no treatment for the COVID-19 virus; however, there are ways to help control the symptoms. A dry cough and fever may be reduced at home with over-the-counter medications such as throat lozenges to soothe your throat, Tylenol and Ibuprofen for fever, lots of rest and plenty of fluids.

CCH has implemented a Respiratory Symptom Screening Process. Those with respiratory symptoms are asked to call their healthcare provider or 307-688-1000, which is open from 7 am-7 pm every day. The phone screening will evaluate respiratory symptoms. Once the patient goes through the screening process, and only if they meet criteria, they will be directed to a drive-through screening process.

If you are having trouble breathing, please call 911. If you develop other emergency warning signs, please get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include*:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion or inability to arouse
  • Bluish lips or face

*This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider for other symptoms that are severe or concerning.

For CCH updates on coronavirus, please visit

  • Category: Health News