Respiratory Symptom Screening Process Moves To CCMH Main Entrance

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Respiratory Symptom Screening Process Moves To CCMH Main Entrance

Campbell County Health’s Respiratory Symptom Screening Process has moved to the Main Entrance, or circle drive, at Campbell County Memorial Hospital (CCMH), 501 S. Burma Avenue in Gillette. The move makes screening more efficient for CCH staff. To begin the screening process, those with respiratory symptoms are asked to call your healthcare provider or 307.688.1000.

Once the patient goes through the screening process, and only if they meet criteria, they will be directed to a mobile swabbing site in the Circle Drive at CCMH. The purpose of the call screening and mobile swabbing screening is to limit local transmission of infectious diseases, including possible COVID-19, by providing a screening alternative to the CCMH Emergency Department, local walk-in clinics or urgent care facilities as well as physician offices. At the mobile screening location:

  • You must be referred to the drive through site in order to be screened.
  • Patients will be asked to present picture ID and screening number provided at phone screening.
  • Patients will be asked to remain in their car during the process to prevent transmission.
  • Providers will wear appropriate personal protective gear.
  • After testing, patients are asked to self-isolate at home until you get your test results.

If after hours, and you are not having trouble breathing, self-isolate at home and wait until the phone lines are open.

If you are having trouble breathing or develop other emergency warning signs, please call 911. Emergency warning signs include:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion or inability to arouse
  • Bluish lips or face

This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider for other symptoms that are severe or concerning.

Please note that this screening process will not automatically provide COVID-19 testing upon request. The Centers for Disease Control advises doctors to use their best judgment when it comes to determining if someone should be tested for COVID-19. In Wyoming, we have limited test kits available, and you may not meet the criteria to be tested. We want to ensure that our most vulnerable people – especially older adults who are at greatest risk for serious complications and death – are tested first.

Please be aware that even if you are tested for COVID-19, you will not receive results for several days. Remember to self-isolate at home.

Remember: Testing for COVID-19 is not a medical emergency. The majority of coronavirus cases will be mild and will not require hospital care. If you have reason to believe you might have the virus, and are not experiencing difficulty breathing please call your healthcare provider or 307.688.1000.

For Campbell County Health updates on COVID-19, visit

  • Category: CCMH News, Patient Care