WDH suspends use of Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine

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WDH suspends use of Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine

Campbell County Health is suspending use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine immediately until further notice, on advice from the Wyoming Department of Health through Campbell County Public Health (CCPH).

CCH and CCPH have partnered to provide the vaccine through our clinics. Approximately 420 doses have been given since CCH received the initial allotment in late March.

Click here (PDF) for more information.

All patients who are scheduled to receive the vaccine at CCH are currently being contacted.

If you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, talk to your doctor or healthcare provider. They can help you decide if the vaccine is right for you. CCH providers can be found at www.cchwyo.org/findadoc.

You can read more about the COVID-19 vaccines at www.cchwyo.org/c19vaccine.

  • Category: CCH News, Patient Care, Health News, Covid-19