Thanks for working here this week: Lindsay Patrick, CPhT, Pharmacy

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Thanks for working here this week: Lindsay Patrick, CPhT, Pharmacy

Campbell County Health is proud of its employees, and we want the CCH family and the Campbell County community to know about the good work that they do for this organization.

Meet Lindsay Patrick, CPhT, a Certified Pharmacy Technician at the Pharmacy at Campbell County Memorial Hospital in Gillette, Wyoming. Lindsay has worked with CCH for just over two years, and has worked in healthcare for four years.

For those who don’t know, the CCMH Pharmacy isn't a retail pharmacy, instead it’s responsible for helping with medications prescribed for patients while they are in the hospital. The Pharmacy is also the only dispensary that provides home IV therapy that's ordered by a provider and mixes all of the chemotherapy drugs for the patients at the Heptner Cancer Center.

Lindsay chose to work in healthcare because she finds it truly interesting. “I love that it’s always changing and there is always something new to learn,” she says.

Outside of work, Lindsay says that she enjoys spending time with her family and seeing new places. “Taking little day trips are the perfect getaway for our young son,” she says.

We asked Lindsay what she likes most about working for CCH, and what excellence every day means to her. Check out her response:

“My favorite part of working in the pharmacy department are my coworkers! Being in a small department is nice because you can really establish good relationships with those you work with and I feel like we're all willing to help one another out in any way we can.

Excellence every day to me means, doing what we can to put the needs of the patients first and to ensure we provide the best care we can. For our department that means providing medications accurately and quickly to those who need them.”

Thanks, Lindsay, for taking such great care of our patients. We appreciate you!

Is there a CCH employee who went the extra mile or shows you extraordinary service? Give them a pat on the back by completing an Excellence Every Day card.

  • Category: Employee Recognition, Pharmacy