Customer Warning About Third-Party Website

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Customer Warning About Third-Party Website

There is an online bill pay website called It is a third-party website that allows people to pay their medical bills via their website. 

It may appear that is affiliated with Campbell County Health.

IT IS NOT. may charge customers extra fees and CCH has no control over when we receive payments through That could result in a late payment fee being applied. 

This is an example of the payment site:

Here is how you can pay your Campbell County Health bill directly, without using a third-party site like

  1. Go to the homepage. 
  2. Click the tab for Bill Payment at the top of the homepage. 
  3. If you have questions concerning your current hospital or clinic statement, please contact Patient Financial Services at 307-688-1482 or email They are open Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm.

If you receive any suspicious phone calls or emails from someone claiming to represent Campbell County Health or requesting payment, please contact Patient Financial Services right away.  

  • Category: CCH News, CCMG News, CCMH News