August is Appendix Cancer Awareness Month

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August is Appendix Cancer Awareness Month

The Appendix Cancer / Pseudomyxoma Peritonei Research Foundation (ACPMP), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, is pleased to share that August is Appendix Cancer Awareness Month.

Appendix cancer is a rare cancer diagnosed in approximately 3-4 people per million per year. Although appendix cancer is genetically distinct from colon cancer, like colon cancer the incidence of appendix cancer in the US is rising. Incidence rates of individuals of all ages with appendix cancer have risen 232% between 2000 and 2016 in the United States.

The ACPMP Research Foundation was established in 2008 to fund research and education to improve the diagnosis and treatment of appendix cancer and a related condition called pseudomyxoma peritonei. As part of our educational efforts, ACPMP is excited to promote August as the official awareness month for appendix cancer in the United States.

The establishment of an official awareness month will further enhance awareness efforts along with the official ribbon color for appendix cancer, which is amber. ACPMP will produce programming throughout the month of August to raise awareness of appendix cancer with the goal of improving diagnosis and treatment of patients and to promote referrals of patients to specialized centers with experience in treating this rare and often complicated disease that claimed the lives of actress Audrey Hepburn and ESPN personality Stuart Scott.

Many thanks to Cancer.Net, the patient information website of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (the world’s largest organization of cancer physicians) for recognizing August as Appendix Cancer Awareness Month!

This month, ACPMP will be sharing information about appendix cancer and our organization.

The ACPMP planned activities for August include:

Please do not hesitate to contact the ACPMP with any questions, and thank you for your support!

The ACPMP Research Foundation

2021 L Street NW, Suite 101-244

Washington, DC 20036-4909

(833) 227-6773

To schedule a cancer screening and learn more about how you can stay healthy, visit and contact the Heptner Cancer Center at 307-688-1900.


  • Category: Cancer Treatment