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Learn about Vasectomy

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Learn about Vasectomy

Vasectomy is one of the procedures performed by Dr. Attila Barabas at Campbell County Medical Group Urology.

Learn about vasectomy from the Urology Care Foundation.

A vasectomy is a minor surgery to block sperm from reaching the semen that is ejaculated from the penis. This means that semen can still be ejaculated but it contains no sperm after a successful vasectomy. Although there is no sperm in the semen, the body will continue to create sperm and just absorb it. Every year over 500,000 men choose to get a vasectomy as a form of birth control. It prevents pregnancy better than any other birth control method besides abstinence.

Having the procedure

A vasectomy can usually be performed in a medical office; however, it can also be done in a surgical setting. You will be given a local anesthetic for the procedure that should block any sharp pain. You will still be aware of touch, tension and movement. In some cases, your provider may feel that full anesthesia is right for the procedure, however this is usually not necessary. In the procedure room, the scrotal will be shaved and cleaned with an antiseptic solution.

No-Scalpel Vasectomy

For a no-scalpel vasectomy, the urologist feels for the vas under the skin of the scrotum and holds it in place with a small clamp. A tiny hole is made in the skin and stretched open so the vas deferens can be gently lifted out. It is then cut, tied or seared, and put back in place.

What are the risks?

Studies have shown that men who get vasectomies are not at a higher risk for other health conditions. There is a small risk for post-vasectomy pain syndrome. This is when abnormal pain is experienced after the procedure. Research has not found a clear explanation for why this happens. Post-vasectomy syndrome occurs in 1 or 2 men out of every 100 vasectomies.

After the procedure

After having a vasectomy, you might feel tenderness in the area for a couple days. There may be small amounts of blood or pain directly after the procedure. Your urologist will give you detailed aftercare instructions. This includes avoiding sex or strenuous activities for 3-7 days. Swelling and pain can occur but is recommended to be treated with ice. If there is excessive bleeding, swelling or pain, contact your urologist, as this could be a sign of infection. Overall, most men are completely healed within 1-2 weeks.

The time it takes to be sperm free after the procedure can differ. A follow up appointment will be scheduled with your Urologist where the semen is checked for signs of sperm. Your provider will instruct you on the next steps whether or not the semen contains sperm.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about vasectomy, Campbell County Medical Group Urology can help. Our highly skilled providers and nurturing staff are available to answer any questions you may have.

To contact CCMG Urology, call 307-688-3636.

To learn more about the services offered, visit our website at Urology Clinic in Gillette, Wyoming (


  • Category: Campbell County Medical Group Urology