Testing for Hormone Imbalance

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Testing for Hormone Imbalance

Did you know that CCH's Health and Wellness Screening program offers low cost testing for several different types of imbalances? Among these many tests is the FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). This test checks for the level of hormone that is in your bloodstream. Follicle stimulating hormone (or FSH), is one of the gonadotropic hormones that is responsible for reproduction. Higher or lower levels than average can indicate that there is a hormonal imbalance. This is especially important for women to know because it can affect your menstrual cycle and fertility. In men it can affect sex drive, and in children it can lead to early or delayed puberty.

The symptoms look different for women and men. In women the symptoms can include inability to get pregnant, irregular periods and menopause, whereas men might experience low sex drive and low sperm count. Both women and men might have fatigue, weakness, weight loss, and decreased appetite. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and want to get tested, you can receive the test at CCH Health and Wellness Services, located at 1405 West Fourth Street (two blocks west of Campbell County Memorial Hospital. The test is $40 and no order from your healthcare provider is required.

Services at CCH Health and Wellness are self-referred. You can submit receipts to your insurance provider for reimbursement if your plan allows.

Health and Wellness Services is here to help patients be proactive about their health, making it easy and affordable for residents to have their blood checked, or get other routine health screenings, on a regular basis. When you use the My Health Home patient portal, you have access to your test results in less than 24 hours, unless otherwise noted. Located at 1405 West Fourth Street (two blocks west of Campbell County Memorial Hospital). Schedule online today at: https://squareup.com/appointments/book/yzcnlpoxy5llqk/LG2WCQS53HFW8/start



MedlinePlus. “Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Levels Test: MedlinePlus Lab Test Information.” Medlineplus.gov, 2019, medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/follicle-stimulating-hormone-fsh-levels-test/.

  • Category: Wellness