Dr. John Mansell Appointed to the Board of Trustees

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Dr. John Mansell Appointed to the Board of Trustees


Dr. John Mansell Appointed to the Board of Trustees

GILLETTE, Wyo. – Feb. 16, 2023 – The Campbell County Health Board of Trustees met Wednesday evening to interview four candidates to fill the vacancy created earlier last month. Dr. John Mansell, MD, was selected to fill the remainder of the unexpired seat that runs through 2024.

Dr. Mansell most recently served as Chief of Staff for Campbell County Health, leaving that role at the end of 2022. Currently a Director for the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Dr. Mansell has been practicing medicine since 1991. Earlier in his career, he served as Chief of Surgery for Campbell County Memorial Hospital. Dr. Mansell brings a great depth of experience to the Board of Trustees and new ideas and perspectives to enhance our efforts to become the first choice for healthcare and wellness in Wyoming.

CCH thanks all the candidates who took the time and effort to apply to be on the Board. We had a phenomenal field of candidates with great enthusiasm, experience, and willingness to do the work necessary to be successful Trustees. We hope this enthusiasm and engagement with CCH carries onward because, in the end, Excellence Every Day belongs to the community. Together as a community, we will fulfill our mission and tirelessly aspire towards our vision.


  • Category: News Room