The term heart disease refers to several types of heart conditions, including coronary artery disease and heart attack. Heart disease is the leading ...
It strikes when you least expect it – especially in the summer. As the weather gets warmer, so does the potential for danger; a simple, beautiful ...
After your cancer treatment, you're eager to return to good health as a cancer survivor. And after your initial recovery, there are ways to improve ...
“Men don't go to the doctor." Chances are that you've heard this or some version of this before—the old saying that men don't go to the doctor or are ...
Traumatic events have been around since the early days of mankind, creating fear responses in individuals and aiding in self-preservation. Much as ...
Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, act, make choices, and relate to others. Mental ...
Constant stress — whether from a traffic-choked daily commute, unhappy marriage, or heavy workload — can have real physical effects on the body. It ...
Many factors influence healthy aging. Some of these, such as genetics, are not in our control. Others — like exercise, a healthy diet, going to the ...
What are tonsil stones? Tonsil stones are small lumps of hard material that form in the tonsils. Tonsil stones are usually not painful or harmful but ...
This month Campbell County Health is raising awareness to migraines and headaches. A disorder which, according to the National Headache Foundation, ...
Health and Wellness Screenings on Fourth Street will now offer the C-reactive test for only $25! C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein made by the ...
April is National Stress Awareness Month, aimed at raising awareness about the negative impacts of stress. Everyone experiences stress. Sometimes it ...