Patient Rights

If you have questions or concerns about a healthcare experience with CCH, including Campbell County Medical Group Clinics and Campbell County Memorial Hospital and The Legacy Living and Rehabilitation Center, please contact these departments:

  • Tanya Allee or Heather Edwards, CCH Patient Experience, 307.688.1530
  • Tristine Bryan, The Legacy Living and Rehabilitation Center, Patient Experience, 307.688.6009

Advance Healthcare Directive

All adults can benefit from thinking about what their healthcare choices would be if they are unable to speak for themselves. It’s not an easy conversation to have, but your decisions can be written in a document called an advance directive so others know what they are.

You have the right to give instructions about your own healthcare. You also have the right to name someone else to make healthcare decisions for you. The Advance Healthcare Directive form lets you do either or both of these things.

Learn more about an advance directive and download a form (directions included).

CCH Nondiscrimination Statement

Campbell County Health complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.

View CCH's Nondiscrimination Statement

Compare Prices

Visit a Wyoming Hospital Association page that allows health care consumers to receive basic, facility-specific information about services and charges. Visit

Compliance Reporting

It is the policy of Campbell County Health (CCH) to fully comply with all the laws and regulations that relate to or affect the delivery of health care services and the billing for those services. These laws and regulations apply to CCH because the system receives payment for services from Medicare, Medicaid, and other government programs.

CCH wants all employees to act in ways to protect and strengthen the system's reputation for honesty. To do so, the system expects all employees to obey all laws that apply to their jobs and to help the system make sure that all laws that apply to the hospital are followed.

For more information, please call 307-688-2121, 800-688-2121, or 1-800-HHS-TIPS (447-8477). Learn more

Concerns or Complaints

If you have a concern, or if you are pleased with our services and staff, let us know. We need to hear about those things that you like and those things that are less than satisfactory in order to constantly improve our services.

Patient complaints and compliments concerning Campbell County Health, Campbell County Medical Group, Campbell County Memorial Hospital and Powder River Surgery Center should contact the Patient Experience Department 307-688-1530.

Concerns and compliments related to residents at The Legacy Living and Rehabilitation Center and Home Health and Hospice should contact Resident Experience at 307-688-7000.

You may also visit The Wyoming Department of Health, Office of Healthcare Licensing and Surveys to voice any concerns you may have at Their contact information is:
Healthcare Licensing & Surveys
Hathaway Building, Suite 510
2300 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82002
307-777-7123 or

Our goal is to provide you with quality care in a warm and friendly atmosphere while respecting you as an individual.

You may be contacted after discharge to ask about your hospital stay. Campbell County Health collects this information to improve our services. The company that collects the survey information for us acts as our representative and keeps all information completely confidential.

You can access patient satisfaction information about CCH at

We assure you that any comment or complaint you may make will not jeopardize your current or future access to care or services at Campbell County Health.

Medicare patients may contact Mountain Pacific Quality Healthcare, the quality review organization for our region, 800-497-8232.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal regulation that went into effect nationwide on April 14, 2003. It establishes a foundation of federal protections for the privacy of health information. Patient privacy is, and always has been, very important to us.

The Notice of Privacy Practices describes the privacy practices of Campbell County Health (CCH), its related and affiliated organizations including Campbell County Medical Group, Campbell County Memorial Hospital, Powder River Surgery Center, The Legacy Living & Rehabilitation Center, among others, and all of their physicians and employees. It applies to services you receive at all CCH service locations. Please contact the Patient and Resident Experience department at 307-688-1530 if you have any questions.

View Notice of Privacy Practices

Medically Necessary Testing

If you have experience with Medicare or a health insurance plan, you probably know that Medicare and insurance companies only cover services that they view as medically necessary to diagnose or treat your health condition, based on criteria decided by the federal government and private Medicare contractors. For more information about what this means, please click here.

At Campbell County Health, we want to help you know ahead of time what services will be covered by your insurance plan. We will make every attempt to contact your provider to request information about the test or service they have requested in order to meet your plan’s definition of “medically necessary”. However, if we don’t receive the requested information, you may receive a written notice from us called an Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) if we think Medicare or your insurance company may not pay for the items or services ordered by your doctor.

The ABN gives you information to make an informed choice about whether or not to receive items or services, understanding that you may have to accept responsibility for payment. You’ll be asked to choose an option box and sign the notice to say that you read and understood it. An ABN isn’t an official denial of coverage by Medicare. You have the right to file an appeal if payment is denied when a claim is submitted.

If you have additional questions or concerns about this process, please call our Patient Accounting department at 307-688-1400.

Patient Rights

Each patient, regardless of race, creed, religion, sex or national origin has the right to:

1. The patient and/or parent/guardian is responsible for providing, to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about matters relating to their health.

2. The patient and/or parent/guardian is responsible for flowing their treatment plan and keeping appointments or notifying the responsible practitioner when unable to do so.

3. The patient and/or parent/guardian are responsible for their actions if they refuse treatment or do not follow the practitioner's instructions.

4. The patient and/or parent/guardian is responsible for being considerate and respectful to other patients, hospital personnel, hospital property, and the property of others.

5. The patient and/or parent/guardian is responsible for providing all needed information for the insurance process and for assuring that financial obligations are fulfilled as promptly as possible.

6. The patient and/or parent/guardian is responsible for requesting additional information or clarification about their health status or treatment when they do not fully understand information and instructions.

7. The patient and/or parent/guardian is responsible for ensuring that the health care institute has a copy of their written advance directive if they have one.

8. The patient and/or parent/guardian is responsible for informing their physician and other caregivers if they anticipated problems in following prescribed treatment.

9. Patients should also be aware of the hospital's obligation to be reasonably efficient and equitable in providing care to other patients and the community. The hospital's rules and regulations are designed to help the hospital meet this obligation. Patients and their families are responsible for making reasonable accommodations to the needs of the hospital, other patients, medical staff, and hospital employees.

10. Receive information about the facility’s billing process, and customary or estimated charges before starting your care or treatments.

11. Request and receive an itemized and detailed explanation of your total bill for services rendered regardless of the source of payment for your care.

12. Have a family member or representative of your choice and your own physician notified in a timely manner of your admission.

13. Be free from restraints of any form that are not medically necessary, including ones that are used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation by staff.

14. Access protective services, information and assistance.

15. Designate a support person, and/or visitors who will receive the same visitation privileges as your immediate family members, regardless of whether the visitors are legally related to you.

16. Express any complaints and concerns, including those about patient care and safety. You also have a right to file a grievance by calling Patient Experience. Patients can also file a concern with:

Wyoming Department of Health Healthcare Licensing & Surveys Hathaway Building, Suite 510 2300 Capitol Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82002

(307) 777-7123

The organization will not retaliate or bar service to patients/ families/significant others because a complaint or grievance was made. The confidentiality, safety, and security of your medical record.

Patient Responsibilities

The patient has the responsibility to:

Provide accurate information that facilitates your care, treatment, and services.

Ask questions when you do not understand the treatment course or care decisions.

Follow instructions, policies, rules, and regulations in place to respect others and support the care and safety of everyone in the facility.

Adhere to the zero-tolerance policy regarding violence and the threat of violence.

Protect your personal belongings and cooperate with hospital personnel in providing such protection. The hospital is not responsible for missing or lost property.

Respect the property of others.

Meet financial commitments and understand your insurance.

PDF copy of Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Press Ganey Surveys: What Patients Need to Know

Feedback from our patients is very important to Campbell County Health.

When you get home from your experience with a CCH entity, it is possible that you will receive an email, postal service mail or text asking you about what we have done well, and what we could do better.

Press Ganey manages CCH's patient satisfaction survey process. You may be randomly selected to participate in a survey about your experience with Campbell County Health one of the following ways:

• Email from
• Postal service mail from Press Ganey
• Text from 91994

If you see any of these, we'd appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to provide this feedback.

CCH cares very much about your comments because they help us improve our services so that we can better serve you and our community. They also help us train, reward and recognize our staff. However, your participation in this survey is voluntary.You have the right to refuse to answer the survey. The caregivers at CCH will not see your specific responses to the survey.

For more information, or to ask questions, please contact CCH Patient Experience at 307-688-1530.

Surveys are mandated by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Other Surveys

CCH departments and services like Behavioral Health Services, Cardiopulmonary Services, Emergency Medical Services, Campbell County Medical Group Kid Clinic and Wellness conduct surveys about their own specific programs. These surveys are voluntary and typically take minutes to complete. You will either be given a card with a way to access the survey, or be given the survey upon check out.

CCH cares very much about your comments because they help us improve our services so that we can better serve you and our community. They also help us train, reward and recognize our staff. However, your participation in this survey is voluntary. You have the right to refuse to answer the survey.

The caregivers at CCH will not see your specific responses to the survey.

For more information, or to ask questions, please contact CCH Patient Experience at 307-688-1530.

Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC)

CCH recognizes that our patients, their families, and our community are the experts in the evaluation of the patient experience. The Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC)is an avenue for CCH to receive and respond to input from community members with a goal to impact and improve patient experience.

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