AED Notification

Campbell County Emergency Responders keep a list of the Automated External Defibrillators (AED) located in Campbell County, Wyoming.

Wyoming law requires all persons or agencies (facilities, businesses or organizations) that acquire an AED to notify their local emergency communications centers.

Campbell County Sheriff's Office: 307-682-7271

City of Gillette Police Department: 307-682-5155

What is an AED?

An AED is a computerized medical device. It can check a person's heart rhythm, recognize a rhythm that requires a shock and can advise the rescuer when a shock is needed. The AED uses voice prompts, lights, and text messages to tell the rescuer the steps to take.

In the event of a sudden cardiac arrest emergency, the 911 dispatcher will know if an AED is on the premises and will be able to notify the EMS system and responders on the scene.

If your business or organization has an AED on the premises, and the status of the AED has changed through the purchase or disposal of a unit, please contact the Campbell County Sheriff's Office or the City of Gillette Police Department. Maintenance and function verification is the responsibility of the business or facility in which the AED is located.

Contact Campbell County Sheriff's Office at 307-682-7271 or the City of Gillette Police Department at 307-682-5155 if you have questions.