Clinic Mandatory Immunization Policy

mandatory immunizations vaccinations at CCH in Gillette, Wyoming
All new pediatric patients to the Campbell County Medical Group Main Clinic (Family Medicine and Pediatrics) will be required to adhere to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended immunization schedule.

Current patients who are not immunized or under-immunized will have 30 days to start a catch-up immunization plan, with the assistance of our clinic. The only exemptions for not completing the immunization schedule will be medical exemptions, in accordance with recommendations from the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

We realize that you care deeply about your child’s health and safety, and as providers, we are committed to their health and safety.

We firmly believe that immunizing children and young adults may be the single most important health promotion intervention we perform as healthcare providers, and that you can promote as parents/caregivers. Immunizations are so effective at preventing illness that most parents have never seen a child with polio, tetanus, whooping cough, bacterial meningitis or even chickenpox, or know of anyone whose child died of one of these diseases. Unfortunately, such successes can make us complacent about immunization.

We want you to know:

  • We firmly believe in the effectiveness of immunizations to prevent serious illness and save lives.
  • We firmly believe in the safety of our immunizations.
  • We firmly believe that all children and young adults should receive all the recommended immunizations according to the schedule published by the CDC and the AAP. Breaking up or delaying immunizations goes against expert recommendations and can put your child as risk for serious illness, or even death.

For our patients who are currently under-immunized, we would be happy to address your concerns in our office as this policy goes into effect. As the time is limited during prescheduled visits, we may not have time to answer all of your questions during that appointment. However, we are happy to schedule an Immunization Counseling Visit on a first come, first served basis for a limited time. Call the Main Clinic at 307-688-3636 to schedule.

Practice Philosopy/Policy

Campbell County Medical Group’s Main Clinic Pediatrics and Family Medicine providers have agreed to a practice philosophy that supports adhering to the CDC’s recommended immunization schedule. The terms immunization policy or vaccination policy are commonly used in pediatric practices and refers to a provider’s or group’s decision regarding unimmunized patients in their office. Ultimately, the practice of medicine is guided by a provider’s training and critical thinking skills, and aided by medical research and the advice of professional organizations.

Omitting, delaying or changing the recommended immunization schedule goes against expert recommendations and can put children at risk of serious illness or even death.

We value the relationship we have with all our patients, and will schedule an immunization counseling visit to answer questions. There are options within Campbell County Medical Group for those families who choose not to abide by the CDC immunization schedule. The Kid Clinic, 307-688-8700, and the Walk-in Clinic, 307-688-9255, are available to provide pediatric healthcare.

We hope you understand that we have developed this vaccination policy to protect children, their families and our community from deadly, preventable diseases by administering safe and effective immunizations.

CCMG Pediatrics Clinic
Kyle Sabey, DO
Valerie Amstadt, PA-C
Camlyn Dunn, APRN
Brittney Goeken, MD
Ryan Boothe, PNP
Laurel Green, MD

Family Medicine Clinic
Chelsi Krehmeyer, PA-C
Aisha Rafat, PA-C
Lauren Dusek, MD Immunization FAQ

Are vaccines safe?

There are people who have expressed concerns about vaccine or immunization safety. The fact is vaccines save lives and protect against the spread of disease. If you decide not to immunize, you’re not only putting your child at risk to catch a disease that is dangerous or deadly, but you’re also putting others in contact with your child at risk. Getting vaccinated is much better than getting the disease. Some of the most devastating diseases that affect children have been greatly reduced or eradicated completely, due to vaccination. Today, we protect children and teens from 16 diseases that can have a terrible effect on their lives if left unvaccinated. Your pediatrician knows that you care about your child’s health and safety. That’s why you need to get all the scientific facts from a medical professional you can trust before making any decisions based on stories you have seen or heard on TV, the internet or from other parents.

Frequently Asked Questions about Immunization adapted from

What do we know about vaccines?

Vaccines have kept children healthy and have saved millions of lives for more than 50 years. Most childhood vaccines are 90% to 99% effective in preventing disease. And, if a vaccinated child does get the disease, the symptoms are usually less serious than in a child who hasn’t been vaccinated. There may be mild side effects, like swelling where the shot was given, but they do not last long. And, it is rare for side effects to be serious.

Frequently Asked Questions about Immunization adapted from

How are vaccines tested and reviewed?

Before a vaccine is licensed in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviews all aspects of development, including where and how the vaccine is made and the studies that have been conducted in people who received the vaccine. The FDA will not license a vaccine unless it meets standards for effectiveness (how well the vaccine works) and safety. Results of studies are reviewed again by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) before a licensed vaccine is officially recommended to be given to children. Every lot of vaccine is tested to ensure quality (including safety) before the vaccine reaches the public. In addition, the FDA regularly inspects places where vaccines are made.

Frequently Asked Questions about Immunization adapted from

Why are vaccines necessary?

Vaccines have protected children in the United States for many years and continue to protect them from dangerous diseases. However, there are still common, vaccine-preventable diseases in many parts of the world that are rarely seen in the United States. Since some vaccine-preventable diseases still occur in the United States, and others may be brought into the United States by Americans who travel abroad or from people visiting areas with current disease outbreaks, it’s important that your children are vaccinated.

Frequently Asked Questions about Immunization adapted from

How are vaccines studied after licensing?

The FDA and the CDC created the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to monitor the safety of vaccines after licensure. All doctors must report certain side effects of vaccines to VAERS. Parents can also file reports with VAERS.

For more information about VAERS, visit, or call the toll-free VAERS information line at 800-822-7967. Other systems exist to further study vaccine safety concerns if they are identified in VAERS by the FDA and CDC.

Frequently Asked Questions about Immunization adapted from

What is “herd immunity?”

Vaccines provide protection for everyone. Booster shots are just as important as the initial vaccinations, and are designed to continue immunity by building on the previous vaccines’ effectiveness. Unfortunately, some parents forget or skip the booster shots, which undermines the effectiveness of a very important concept in vaccination: herd immunity. Herd immunity is the benefit everyone receives from a vaccinated population once immunization reaches a critical level. When enough people are vaccinated, everyone-including those who are too young or too sick to be immunized-receives some protection from the spread of disease. However, relying on herd immunity to keep your child safe is risky. The more parents that follow this way thinking, the fewer vaccinated children we will have, and the more likely a serious disease will return and infect all of those who are not vaccinated.

Frequently Asked Questions about Immunization adapted from

My child has a medical exemption. What exemptions are allowed?

In rare circumstances children will have a chronic health condition which makes it unsafe or difficult to receive immunization per the recommended schedule. Those conditions include certain cancers and immune diseases or medications. We recommend you make a Vaccine Counseling Visit and share with your provider why you believe an exemption may be necessary. MTHFR mutation is not an allowable medical exemption, as studies have not shown this causes any measurable risk for patients to be vaccinated.

Frequently Asked Questions about Immunization adapted from

Will HPV, meningococcal (meningitis), and influenza immunization be required as part of this policy?

All immunizations recommended on the CDC immunization schedule will be required, including annual influenza (flu) immunization.

Frequently Asked Questions about Immunization adapted from

Where can I find the CDC recommended vaccination schedule?

CDC recommended vaccination schedules can be downloaded from:

AAP information on immunizations can be found at:

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