To schedule or not to schedule this summer?

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  • Written By: Raleah Cisneros
To schedule or not to schedule this summer?

Devonn Sosa, PPC
Campbell County Medical Group Kid Clinic

The summer months are often a relaxed, unstructured time for many families. During the school year, families are more likely to adhere to regular bedtime, wake-up, and meal times. But, maintaining daily routines or schedules during the summer is important for children, especially children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A summer schedule does not have to be rigid, but days will run much more smoothly when there are expectations and predictability.

kids hugging

To develop or continue a summer schedule, talk with your children about what types of things he or she like to do. Include lots of fun physical activities such as outdoor play, trips to the pool, and trips to the park, family walks, bike riding, or summer camps. Allowing time for unstructured, imaginative play for kids and some with quiet downtime also helps. Maintaining academic skills over the summer is also important for ADHD children. Include reading time, study skills activities, and review what was learned the previous school year. Use a large calendar to write down daily schedules, posted in a central location to help the entire family maintain a daily routine. You do not have to schedule every minute of the day. The idea is to provide your children with a summer routine that is predictable, yet flexible.

The Kid Clinic provides primary medical care and behavioral health counseling to students in the Campbell County School District and their siblings over age 2. The Kid Clinic is open all summer—Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Call 688-8700 to make an appointment.

For more information on ADHD you can also visit Kids Health.

  • Category: Behavioral Health Services, Campbell County Medical Group Kid Clinic, CCH News, CCMG News